Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12-10-13 CrossFit

3 RFT: (2 RFT)
30 jumping lunges (regular lunges)
20 box jumps (12")
30 air squats

16:29 min

Did just 2 rounds as my legs were complete jelly. Need to figure out a better warm up- I suck at doing it on my own.

Monday, December 9, 2013

12-09-13 C25K Wk 2 Day 1

Treadmill in cold garage

Run 90sec
Walk 2min
Repeat to 20min.

20min, 1.418mi

First half of the running was at 5.5mph with walking at 3-3.5mph. Second half ran at 5.0mph. Stopped during one run to tie my shoe, made up the time though. Cold air was not good on the lungs- need to take my inhaler out with me next time.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

09-25-13 CrossFit in Dallas Hotel Room

CrossFit in Dallas Hotel Room

Angie (modified to 60%)
60 pull ups (butt on floor, pulled up to bottom of desk)
60 push ups
60 sit ups
60 squats


Ran the stairs from 4th floor to bottom and back up twice for warm up. Can tell it's been 2 wks...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

09-11-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Find 1RM Front Squat

50#, 70#, 80#, 90#, 100#, 105#, failed 110# 2 times

4 RFT:
15 deadlift (100#)
15 Toes-2-Bar (subbed 30 sit ups)
15 Hand release push ups
45 double unders (3x singles)


FS 1RM is same as it was last time I did it, glad I at least haven't lost though I really wanted to get the 110#. Subbed sit ups for T2B because my hands were already ripped from KBS yesterday. Started with DU, did about 10 and then did singles for the remainder of the WOD.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

09-10-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

5 rds, 3min:
20 KBS (30#)
10 KB goblet squats (30#)
200m row
With remaining time, max burpees
Rest 2 min

Total burpees: 11
2 rds only did 100m row- started burpees while waiting on rower to open and only got 100m before the 3 min was up. Did KBS unbroken 2/5 rds.

Midline WOD:
8 min AMRAP
8 TGU (4 each side) (15# dumbbell)
20 plank up/downs

1rd + 2 TGU

Ripped my hand on KBS and had a hard time balancing the dumbbell for TGU and had to keep my hand arched on planks. Owwie.

Monday, September 9, 2013

09-09-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

3 RFT:
Run 400m
21 KBS (30#)
12 pull ups (red/green bands)


Running sucks.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

09-04-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
12 min EMOM
Even minutes: 4 front squat (60#)
Odd minutes: 12 scaled HSPU (knees on 24" box, using feet/shins for leverage, hands further away from box)

12min AMRAP:
12 hand-release push ups
12 KBS (25#)
30m sled push (110#)

5 rds (last round probably only got half of the sled push in)

Push ups still need a lot of work. Had a couple good ones at the start of each round. Could have gone heavier with the KBS. Also disappointed in my front squat- should have been 75-80% of 1RM which is 105# for me, so I was a little less than 60%. Can tell I've had time off.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

09-03-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

For time:
Buy in- 3 rope climbs (1/2 rope climbs, 2 grips)
15 Snatch (55#)
300m run
10 Snatch
200m run
5 Snatch
100m run
Buy out- 3 rope climbs


Should have worn my tall socks- but it was too hot so now my leg is very ripped up from the rope. The running went fairly well- I pretty much kept up with everyone else.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

08-28-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
EMOM for 10min:
Even min- Floor press (50#)
Odd min- Ring hold for 30sec

Did 30sec straight on first two ring holds, then accumulated approx 20-30sec over 40-50sec or so on the remaining rounds.

For time:
100 DUs
20 Deadlift (80#)
30 OH walking lunges (10#)
40 ring dips (red band)
30 OH walking lunges
20 Deadlift
100 DUs

Did approx 15 DU before giving up and doing 3x singles for the remainder of the workout.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

08-27-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD
1RM "muscle" snatch (from hang position)
30#, 50#, 55#, 60#

For time:
Snatch (50#)
OHS (20#)
Burpee box jump (16")


Did something to my trap/shoulder/neck on Sunday, still pretty painful, but it stretched out fairly well during the WOD and I was able to do more than I anticipated. Many of my box jumps were step ups and I did most of my burpees as step-back and forward. Did my snatches and OHS mostly in groups of 5.
Also- got 7 consecutive DUs during warm up!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

08-21-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
8rds, 90sec each round

1 power snatch
1 hanging squat snatch

20# x 2, 25# x 2, 30# x 2, 35# x 2

Often did more than one OHS to try and get my form right.

For time:
100 DU

Row for calories
OHS (20#)

100 DU

For DU, I counted 2 singles and 1 DU (or good attempt) as 2 DU. Had a couple times where I got two DU in a row. For OHS, I worked on form, and think I did pretty well.

08-20-13 Sprint intervals

Did some sprint intervals on the hotel treadmill. Went for a total of 2.18miles in 30min. No rhyme or reason to the sprints, but did 0.1-0.25mile each time between 6-6.5mph.

Monday, August 19, 2013

08-19-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
E2MOM for 12min
16 (8 each leg) box step-ups with bar in front rack position (30# bar first 4 rds, no wt last 2 rds, 18" box)
Max rep strict pull ups (green/red bands)

9, 3, 0, 0, 4, 6 = 22

6 dead lifts (80#)
6 KBS (25#)
12 box jumps (18")

Did several step ups mixed in with box jumps. Wiped out on my last box jump, scraped my knee, got up and did one more to finish the work out.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

08-14-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

AMRAP, scoring lowest round
3 rounds, 4min each with 2min rest between

Push ups (5, 10, 15, 20, etc)
Power clean (60#) (2, 4, 6, 8 etc)

3rds + 5; 3rds + 2; 3rds

-rest 4 min, then-

For time:
100 sit ups
200 DUs (600 singles)


Only did one DU, too tired to do any more than that. Really pounded my shins doing sprints during warm up.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

08-12-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

6min, max reps

2min snatch (40#)- 16
2min thrusters (40#)- 11
2min clean and jerk (40#)- 12

Total:  39


3 RFT:
21 wall balls (10#)
21 KBS (25#)
200m run


Very blah- the whole workout. Could do more wt on C&J, but had to use same wt throughout and thrusters suck.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

08-07-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
10min max barbell TGU- alternating every 5 reps
20# bar, 15 reps (5L, 5R, 3L, 2R)

2 RFT, 2min each for max reps:
HSPU (knees on 20" box)
C2B pull ups (jumping off box)
KBS (30#)
2min rest

22, 20, 25, 11 / 22, 20, 24, 12 = 156

AND I got 3 consecutive DUs during warm-up!! And several singles and doubles- go me!

Monday, August 5, 2013

08-05-13 CrossFit RUK

Hollow rocks- accumulate 3min.

In about 5min I got 2min10sec and quit as my form was crap.

For max squat cleans:
4 rounds, 5min per round
Run 400m (last round only 200m)
15 box jumps (18")
AMRAP squat clean (50#)

11 (5, 1, 0, 5)

Raining during runs- pavement was a little slick and I was paranoid about slipping on my box jumps as my shoes were still wet. Cut the last run to 200m so I could finish my box jumps and get some squat cleans in.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

07-30-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Wt lifting WOD:
5x5 Good Mornings
50# x 3, 55# x 2

For time:
8 split snatch (40#, restricted by partner sharing bar, could have gone maybe another 5# or so)
7 bar MU (3 ring dip with red band, 3 jumping pull ups for each)
Run 400m (sub 400m row)


Subbed rowing because my heels are killing me after standing at work for pretty much 8hrs each day the past 2 days.

Monday, July 29, 2013

07-29-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

For time (20min time cap)
Row 2000m
50 alt. pistols (100 air squats)
30 hanging squat cleans (50#)

In 20min, completed through 6 HSC.

Was much cooler than last week. Squats about killed me- gonna be sore tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

07-23-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK
Damn near 104F...

Strength/Skill WOD
4 Rounds (12min cap)
Max reps strict C2B pullups (jumping off box)
Max reps weighted pushups (no weight)

Total reps: 39 (5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/4)

For time:
25 C2B pullups (jumping off box)
then 5 RFT:
10 chest to OH (40#)
10 box jumps (12")
25 C2B pullups (jumping off box)


Last set of pullups didn't even get chin over the bar. This heat is just killing me. Hopefully I adjust to it soon...

Monday, July 22, 2013

07-22-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

EMOM 10 min
2 Squat clean-thrusters

For time:
30 KBS (15#, I think)
10 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)
20 KBS
20 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)
10 KBS
30 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)


Wow- that was rough for 3 weeks off! Good group of people, but it is western KS, was super hot, no A/C... so many excuses!

Monday, July 8, 2013

07-08-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MW)

Front squat 5x5
35#, 55#, 75#, 80#, 85# (x2)

For time:
20 push ups (17)
Single leg bleacher hop- left (both legs)
18 push ups (19)
Single leg bleacher hop- right (bleacher run)
16 push ups
Defensive slide up bleachers- left
14 push ups
Defensive slide up bleachers- right
12 push ups
Bleacher run
10 push ups

15:22 min.

Push ups are incredibly slow. Sand/gravel on stadium steps was a bit rough on my hands and knees. Couldn't do the one legged hops- did a few practicing, but psyched myself out. Did both leg (ala box jump) for one round, then just did a run on the second as per Christian.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

07-03-13 1 mile run

1 mile run on campus


No one showed up to coach CrossFit, so I ran a mile- across the Union square towards Hale, down to mid-campus drive, across to Willard, up around the square and back to Ahern.

Monday, July 1, 2013

07-01-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

12 min run for distance


Ran outside on the sidewalk around the old stadium. Each lab was about 800m. Hit the 1mile mark around 11min.

Went inside and did several half rope climbs. Got a little over 7.5ft up with 4 pulls. Did 5 OHS with 15# and 5 with 35#.

Friday, June 28, 2013

06-28-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MG)

3 RFT:
5 x-HSPU (rx was hands on parallettes, head to 2-45# and 1-25# plate for a few inch deficit- I did feet on 20" box, head to ground)
7 ring MU (2:1 ring dip with thin blue band, ring rows)
Run ~800m (to library entrance and back)


I think I run more from my knees than from my hips which results in a very short stride. Should try working on moving more from my hips...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

06-27-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

For time:
50 ball slams (15# rx)
50 KBS (26#)
50 OHS (20#)
50 DB step ups (16" rx, first 4 with 25# rx, remaining with 20#)


My shoulders were sore from yesterday, so this was pretty rough. Probably 3/4 of the OHS felt like I had great form and I was able to get 7-8 reps per set with good form. DB step ups were difficult as my arms were just too tired to hold the weight- did most of them in sets of 4.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

06-26-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (GWM)

4 Rounds for Max Reps
1 min deadlift (95# rx)
1 min full squat box jump (16")
1 min rest
1 min push up (as strict as possible)
1 min shoulder to overhead (65# rx)
1 min rest

Total reps: 150

Deadlift- 18, 14, 12, 12
Box jump- 9, 8, 8, 9
Push up- 12, 10, 10, 9
S2OH- 5, 5, 4, 5

Could have gotten more reps on S2OH if I had gone with a lighter weight, but I'm glad I went Rx on it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

06-21-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MWG)

Deadlift (125# approx 65% of 1RM)
Toes to bar (knees to boobs)
Lateral bar jump (17", over and back=1)


Had to do most of the DL in sets of three as my back started to hurt a bit at that point and I was worried about my form. The T2B was also done in small sets to try and avoid ripping my hands. Finished with 5 OHS with 15# bar.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

06-20-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WG)

10 RFT:
2 snatch (95# Rx, 60#)
3 muscle  ups (3 false-grip ring rows, 3 ring dips with red band)
4 HSPU (knees on 20" box)


Left arm hurt quite a bit today. My left pinky got a bit tingly during the snatches. Could go heavier if I could land more in a squat with confidence. After the workout I did a few hanging squat snatches with the PVC and the 15# bar.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

06-19-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

5 RFT:
25 DU (75 singles)
50' bear crawl
10 box jumps (20")
50' crab walk


Did one round with lunges and backwards lunges to replace bear crawl/crab walk due to pain in left lateral forearm. This killed my legs and made my box jumps scary, so I went back to doing the workout as indicated, stopping to rest about halfway through.

Prior to the workout, got a couple DUs in a row. Also did 1min AMRAP singles unbroken- got 140.

Monday, June 17, 2013

06-17-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WMG)

Burpee Helen:
3 RFT:
Run 400m
21 KBS (26#)
12 burpees


Ran on the quad outside. Really need to work on my running- so slow!

Afterwards did 3 holds overhead with 35#, 10 OHS with PVC and 5 OHS with 15# bar.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

06-11-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (G)

8min AMRAP:
1 pullup
2 pushups
3 squats
4 pullups
5 pushups
6 squats... etc.

2 min rest


For time:
Descending from wherever you stopped in the AMRAP.

I completed the round of 14 push ups and took 9:19min to descend.

My pushup form really sucked today. Used thick green/purple bands for pullups and very few actually got my chin over the bar. Need to work on both of those apparently!

Afterwards, held the 35# bar overhead some, did some OHS with PVC and a few with the 15# bar.

Monday, June 10, 2013

06-10-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

5 RFT:
50 DU (150 singles)
5 wall walks (partial, didn't get chest to wall, only got hands across the first mat line)
10 power cleans (55#)


Aaron gave us the option to make it a 20min AMRAP after the first two rounds took about 12min. But settled into a groove and finished the 4th round around min 22, so decided to finish.

Friday, June 7, 2013

06-07-13 CrossFit at home

CrossFit (front yard)

Double unders (3x's singles)
Sit ups


The area I chose to use was an uneven surface, so even with my yoga mat there was a left to right slant when I was trying to jump rope and it took me awhile to accommodate my swing to it. Lots of misses and only getting groups of 3-5 jumps. Similar issue with the sit ups and having to redajust my body as it was leaning side to side. Halfway through the 30 round, I turned so my feet were downhill and my body was uphill and finished that way. Got one DU during my warm up, really need to find the time to work on those more.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

06-06-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

3 rounds for time:
100m MB run (14#)
5 MB deck squats
100m MB run
10 burpees
100m MB run
15 MB cleans
100m MB run
20 MB sit ups


I suck at running. I suck even more at running while carrying a wet 14# med ball. I also suck at burpees. Blech.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

06-05-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WMG)

Regional Workout #6

For time:
100 Double-unders (300 singles)
50 Handstand push-ups (first 30 with feet on 24" box, last 20 with knees on box)
40 Toes-to-bar (knees to boobs)
30 Shoulder to overhead with axle (160 / 100 lbs) (regular women's bar, 50#)
90 foot Walking lunge with axle in front rack (160 / 100 lbs) (regular women's bar, 50#)


HSPUs in groups of 5 or so, T2B in groups of 4-5 as my hands really wanted to rip and did a little bit, shoulder to overhead- first 20 did push press, last 10 tried to jerk it a bit, did all in groups of 5, walking lunge broke into 4 segments (we did 7.5mats down and back, each step for me was about half a mat). Overall, could have pushed a bit harder, but it was not too bad.

Friday, May 31, 2013

05-31-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (GW)

Squat clean (55# for 9, 45# for remaining sets)
Ring dips (thick red band)


Started with too much weight- legs were sore and tight from running yesterday- especially my calves. Worked a hold at the top of the ring dip and tried for a slow lowering as much as I could until I was too tired to control it much. Stretched out my legs afterwards and did a few rounds of just holding the 35# bar overhead to try and work on my strength for holding it up during OHS.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

05-30-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

For time:
Run 400m
Run 1/2 Tour de FieldHouse (aka 8 sets of bleachers)
Run 200m
Run 1/2 Tour de FieldHouse
Run 400m


Ran inside due to rain and lightening, if we had run outside it is just 400m, bleachers around the stadium and 400m. But stadium steps are taller than those in the field house, so not sure which is better! Walked up most of the stairs, but ran/jogged in between and tried to up the pace on the way down (as much as I could without falling). Really need to improve my running. Blech.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

05-29-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

15min AMRAP
5 Curtis P's (power clean, lunge, lunge, push press) (55#)
10 slam ball get ups (5 each side) (12#)
15 DU (45 singles)

3 rds + 2 CP's

It was SOOOOOO hot in the gym this morning. I was in the back corner with very little air flow and the heat was killing me. Probably should have also gone a tad lighter on the CP's as the lunge with my left foot forward was a bit tough with 55#.

Friday, May 24, 2013

05-24-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WMG)

5 rounds, for max reps:
30sec strict pull ups (green/purple bands) 9, 8, 8, 8, 7 = 40
60sec OHS (25#) 10, 13, 11, 10, 11 = 55
90sec row (for calories) 15, 15, 15, 14, 16 = 65
3min rest

160 total reps

Not all the pull ups were chin over bar- some were halves and I counted two halves as one pull up. Bryan wanted max effort during 30sec whether we just worked on negatives or whatever.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

05-23-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MG)


For time:
Run 200m
20 burpees
Run 400m
40 Hollow rocks
Run 800m
80 Mountain climbers (total)
Run 400m
40 Superman rocks
Run 200m
20 Candlestick rolls


Did this same workout 05-04-12 in 27:45min. Would have liked to see a bigger improvement in my time, but I suck at running!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05-22-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (W)

10 sets of 1 snatch balance to achieve 1RM
     15# (5), 25# (5), 35# (3), 45# (2), 50# (unable to complete)
5 RM Front squat
     35#, 55#, 65#, 70#

In between snatch balance and FS, Bryan had me work with the 35# bar just getting down in the OHS position and working on leaning back on my heels and getting the bar over the center of my foot as I kept pulling it too far forward. Did several reps of this, holding at the bottom for as long as possible.

Had a tough time today since I haven't done anything in a week. Really need to get back into it the rest of this week.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

05-15-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

20min AMRAP
1 Rope climb (1/3 way up, two body lengths)
2 Bar MUs (2 jumping C2B PU, 2 low bar dips)
3 Overhead lunge (each leg, alt) (35#)

8rds + 3 OHL and 1 RC

Started each round with OHL to space out rope usage. Could have gone higher with the lunge weight as it seemed pretty easy after the first few rounds stretched me out.

Friday, May 10, 2013

05-10-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (W)

30 Thrusters for time (Rx 105#)

6:18min, 60#

Did a set of 6 and then the remaining were done in sets of 3. Hip and shoulder felt OK.

After workout, did 10 ring dips with red band.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

05-09-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

3 RFT:
7 deadlift (135#, rx 185#)
30 air squats
9 HSPU (feet on 24" box)


Had to break up the squats quite a bit as my hip started hurting during the second round.

Prior to workout held a handstand against the wall (I did a wall walk to get up vs kicking up into it) for 45 sec. After the workout, did 10 ring dips with red band.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

05-08-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (GWM)

For time:
50 DU (150 singles)
10 L-sit pull ups (box/jumping PU)
20 DB hanging squat cleans (15# DB)
30 DB push press
40 DB lunges (alt legs)
50 DU
40 DB lunges (alt legs)
30 DB push press
10 L-sit pull ups
50 DU


The modified L-sit pull up was supposed to be a jumping pull up, go into L-sit or tuck and lower yourself slowly. I can't do much negative work without bands, so I basically just did jumping pull ups with a slight tuck. Really need to work on both my pull ups and my DUs.

Monday, May 6, 2013

05-06-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (G)

For time:
20 K2E (thigh to boob)
10 Ring dips (thick red band, both feet)
25 jumping squats
15 K2E
15 Ring dips
25 jumping squats
10 K2E
20 Ring dips
25 jumping squats


Friday, May 3, 2013

05-03-13 CrossFit


Cleans (60#)
Slapping push ups (green/blue bands)


Had a tough time as I did each push up pretty much individually then had to sit up to take the pressure of the band of my brachial plexus so I could feel my arms again. Not fun. Did my last round of 9 cleans unbroken though.

05-02-13 CrossFit

CrossFit- Indoor track

For time, complete in any order/combination you want:

600m run
200m backwards run
8 bleacher runs (up to top and back down all stairs to track)
80 walking lunges (each leg)


Never ran more than 100m at a time, split up bleacher runs and walking lunges with each 100m.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

05-01-13 CrossFit


7 RFT:
1 rope climb (3 reps of gripping with feet and standing up)
10 wall balls (14#, 8ft)
15 KBS (35# first round, 26# for the rest)
20 DU (60 singles)

27:55 min
Started on KBS and ended on wall balls.

Monday, April 29, 2013

04-29-13 CrossFit

CrossFit- outdoor football field

For time:

Run, down and back:
10yd / 20yd / 30yd / 40yd... 100yd
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 ... 1

13:04 min

Friday, April 26, 2013

04-26-13 CrossFit


20min AMRAP
1 rope climb (mod- hanging from rope, trying to hook feet and stand up)
1 TGU each side (18# KB)
250m row

4 rds + 1 mod rope climb

Started with 26# KB and couldn't do left arm with it, second round right arm failed as well. 18# was light, but didn't have much in between. Worked on rope climb additionally after workout was over.

Friday, April 19, 2013

04-19-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study- 2 month evaluation (baseline in parentheses)

Row 500m- 2:11.5min (2:14min)
Rest 10 min
Row 2000m- 9:52min (10:20min)

After this, I did 5 pull ups with green band working on negative and 5 ring dips with thinner red band.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

04-17-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study- 2 month evlauation (baseline in parentheses)

CrossFit Total
1 RM Backsquat- 135# (120#)
1 RM Strict press- 68.5# (65#)
1 RM Deadlift- 195# (185#)

Total:  398.5# (370#)

Monday, April 15, 2013

04-15-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study- 2 month evaluation (baseline results in parentheses)

Agility hop/balance test- 6 errors (7 errors)
Pro-agility test- 6.91 sec (6.33 sec)
Sit and reach- 29cm (26cm)
Standing long jump- 63" (61")
Med ball put- 7'9" (103)
Push ups in 60s- 22 (21)
Sit ups in 60s- 38 (35)
Squats in 60s- 34 (32)
Max rep pull ups (green/purple band)- 7 (4)

Friday, April 12, 2013

04-12-13 CrossFit


13min AMRAP

1, 2, 3, 4...
Bar MU (sub 1 C2B PU and 1 K2E)
Strict HSPU

7 rds + 2 jumping PU

My hands were killing me, so I couldn't hang from the bar to attempt mod K2E. I subbed 2 jumping pull ups, trying to work the negative as much as possible for each bar MU. HSPU were done with feet up on 16" box.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

04-11-13 CrossFit


4 RFT:
8 horz ring rows (feet on ground in front of rings)
15 T2B (curled up knees)
7 rounds of bear complex (45#)


45# was a good wt for the bear complex- shoulder only hurt on that during the last round. Ring rows stressed my shoulder a bit as did hanging from the bar. I also ripped my hands on the 3rd round of T2B.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

04-10-13 CrossFit Memorial Hill

CrossFit Memorial Hill

Warm up- work on weaknesses:
3 rds:
8 OHS 15#
8 ring row
10 wall ball 14#

Snatch practice:
Due to shoulder pain, I did 3-5 rep sets of light weights:
15#, 25#, 35#, 40#, 45#, 50#

For time:
200 DU (600 singles)
40 KBS 10kg
20 burpees

Did light weight KBS- the rx wt was 25kg and coach recommended wt that was difficult to complete an unbroken set of 10. I did 20-10-10 on KBS, 10-5-5 on burpees.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

04-04-13 CrossFit


For time:

10 Press (35#)
15 OHS (35#)
20 Push press (35#)
25 Front squat (55#)
30 Press jerk (35#)
35 Back squat (55# out of squat rack)


All of the OH work really hurt my shoulder. By the end, I could not get the 55# over my head into the back squat hold, so I used the squat rack. The final open workout will have 65# thrusters and I think I'm going to skip it- not worth hurting my shoulder worse. Kinda sucks, but not worth it in the long run.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

04-02-13 CrossFit


For time:
2000m row
50 pistols (alternating legs) (used ring for support)
30 hanging power cleans (55#, rx was 135#)

20:37min. Row took just over 10min. Power cleans went pretty quickly since I did such a light weight. Even going up to 65# aggravated my left shoulder though. Gonna have to stick with lighter weights for a bit I think.

Monday, April 1, 2013

04-01-13 CrossFit


Open 11.1 workout
10 min AMRAP
30 DU (90 singles)
15 power snatch (55#)

2 rds + 90 singles + 12 PS

03-30-13 CrossFit Open

CrossFit Open 13.4

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

2 reps. 

I worked my way up to the 95# C&J and got one during warm up. Was only able to complete 2 reps during the workout despite cleaning the weight multiple times. Tried for a T2B following time expiring and got fairly close, but didn't quite get the toes to the bar. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

03-28-13 CrossFit


Ring MU (ring row, transition, jumping ring dip)
Squat snatch (45#, snatch + OHS)

14:00 min.

Dropped a lot of the OHS portions. Just felt super tired and weak today. After the workout, I did 9-7-5 ring dips with a red band as I didn't get much negative work on the jumping ring dips during the workout. Also attempted a T2B- got kinda close. Left shoulder kind of hurts and just feel blah all over. Getting frustrated to the point of tears with the OHS didn't help either...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

03-27-13 CrossFit Memorial Hill

CrossFit at Memorial Hill in KC

5min AMRAP warm up:
50 singles
10 wall balls (14#)
10 pass through
10 lunges
10 jumping jacks

2 rds + a few singles

Skill set:
Clean and jerk, 5rds
5 at 60% (55#)
5 at 65% (60#)
5 at 70% (65#)
5 at 75% (70#)
5 at 80% (75#)

6 min AMRAP:
35 DU (105 singles)
10 wall balls (14#, 8ft)

3 rds + 75 singles

Monday, March 25, 2013

03-25-13 CrossFit


4 RFT:
22 lunges (11 each leg)
16 MBC (14#)
10 slapping push ups (HR at top)
200m run


My legs were ridiculously sore from wallballs yesterday. Did most of the MBC in sets of 2.

03-24-13 CrossFit Open

CrossFit Open 13.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (14 lbs to 9' target)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

85 wall balls (plus a ton of no reps for not getting it up to 9')

Friday, March 22, 2013

03-22-13 CrossFit


20 min AMRAP:
250m row
10 T2B
10 slam balls (15#)
10 push press (35#)

5 rds + 250m row

Thursday, March 21, 2013

03-21-13 CrossFit


EMOM for 10min:
1 power clean + 2 hanging squat cleans

3 at 65#, then 4 at 70#, then back to 65# for the remaining 3.

Had  a hard time with the hanging cleans- couldn't get enough of a shrug and drop fast enough to get my elbows under. Also when I did, I still lean so far forward in my squat that I have a difficult time getting my elbows up as far as I need to.

Rest for 5 min.


For time:
50 / 40 / 30 / 20 / 10  DU (3x singles)
25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5  Hand release push ups


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

03-19-13 CrossFit


For quality and time:
10 shoot thrus- no push up or dip (touched feet a few times during pass through)
20 toes 2 bar (hanging crunches)
30 jump squat
10 dragon flag (laying on back with hands anchored, raise body upright and back to ground maintaining position/control)
20 HSPU (pike position)
30 hollow rocks
10 MU (mod with knees on ground to standing)
20 candlestick rolls (5# wt for momentum)
30 mountain climbers (each leg)

17:57 min

Monday, March 18, 2013

3-18-12 CrossFit


For max rope climbs and rounds:

1 min rope climb (laying on ground to standing)
4 min AMRAP
     20 DU (60 singles)
     15 sit ups
     10 cleans (65# rx)
1 min rope climb
4 min AMRAP
1 min rope climb

Total: 13 partial rope climbs; 4 rds + 60 singles + 5 sit ups

3-17-13 CrossFit Open

CrossFit Open 13.2

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20" box

4 rds (120 reps)

75# got pretty heavy in the shoulder to OH- did first 5 unbroken, second round got 4 and dropped the 5, third round 3 and 2, fourth round 2, 2 and 1. Box jumps did lots of step ups to catch my breath and did only step ups on last 2 rounds. It was a lot tougher than I thought it would be!

03-15-13 CrossFit at grandma's

For time:
50 squats
50 push ups
50 sit ups
50 DU (150 singles)


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

03-12-13 CrossFit


3 RFT:
200m run
20 burpees
200m run
20 box jumps (16")


Monday, March 11, 2013

03-11-13 CrossFit


5x5 Back Squat
85, 90, 95, 100, 100#

470# total volume


3 Rounds for max reps:
45 sec Sott's press (15#)- 15, 10, 10
45 sec thruster (35#)- 6, 7, 7
30 sec rest

55 reps

Sunday, March 10, 2013

03-10-13 CrossFit Open

CrossFit Open 13.1

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

100 reps. Had 3 failed attempts at 75# snatch.

Friday, March 8, 2013

03-08-13 CrossFit


7 RFT:
7 SDHP (65# rx)
21 mountain climbers (each leg)


Followed by 2 min L-sit
Took a little over 4 min, feet resting on ground in front of paralletes.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

03-07-13 CrossFit


For time:
21 Chest to bar pull ups (jumping off box)
20 burpees
18 C2B
16 burpees
15 C2B
12 burpees
12 C2B
8 burpees

13:11min. Tried to use bands but can't kip well enough to get chest to bar. Went with jumping off box, trying to really work the negative on as many reps as possible.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Am I crazy??

Wow. I just did it. I signed up for the CrossFit Open. Looking forward to seeing my name at the bottom of the leader board! It will be fun though. Right???

03-05-13 CrossFit


5 RFT:
3 squat clean (70#)
9 box jump overs (18")
3 muscle ups (starting with knees on ground and using legs to push up and through dip)


Monday, March 4, 2013

03-04-13 CrossFit


10min AMRAP:
10 jumping squats
5 ring dips (red band)
20 OH walking lunges (25# plate, 10 each leg)
10min AMRAP:
10 deck squats (5# dumbbell)
5 pull ups (green/purple bands)

3 rounds + JS + RD + 5 WL
4 rounds + 2 DS

Friday, March 1, 2013

03-01-13 CrossFit


20 min AMRAP:

Each round do:
2 bar MU (2 jumping C2B pull ups, 2 jumping push over bars in squat rack)
4 windshield wipers (on ground, knees slightly bent)
8 side-to-side bar jump overs (over and back = 1)

Then, for each round do an increasing number of deadlifts (135#)
(Round 1 = 1 DL, Round 2 = 2 DL, Round 3 = 3 DL, etc.)

8 rounds + 1 C2B pull up

Thursday, February 28, 2013

02-28-13 CrossFit


For time:

30 wall walks
At the start of each minute, complete 15 DU.

16:03min. Did 45 singles each minute, but limited to 30 sec for jump rope each minute. At end of time, did 20 make up singles.

Then- did 5 pull ups with green/purple, 3 with green only.

Also worked on getting DU. Got 1 with a speed rope.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

02-26-13 CrossFit


FGB- Coach Aaron style

3 RFT:
1 min plate push (5# plastic plate, 5 mat lengths)- 2, 2, 2
1 min deck squat (used 8# dumbbell for momentum)- 12, 11, 11
1 min ice cream makers (jumping knees to elbows on rings)- 8, 8, 7
1 min Russian KBS (35#)- 22, 20, 19
1 min row (for calories)- 7, 6, 7

Total:  144 reps

Monday, February 25, 2013

02-25-13 CrossFit


12min AMRAP
12 box jumps (20" Rx)
6 Thrusters (55#)
6 Bar-facing burpees

3rds + box jumps + thrusters + 1 burpee

Box jumps were a bit slow- I was intimidated by doing 20" in a workout since I've only done them that high one other time before and it really beat on my heel that is still painful.

Friday, February 22, 2013

02-22-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit study

Did measurements and survey form.

Day 3 evaluation supposed to be run 400m, rest 10 min, run 1.5 miles.
Due to heel injury, substituted rowing.

Row 500m- 2:14min
Rest 10 min
Row 2000m- 10:20min
HR after long row- 176bpm.

02-21-13 Snow shoveling

Cleared the driveway behind my car- 6-12" of snow. Shoveled for approx 1 hr.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02-19-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study

CrossFit Total:
1RM Back squat- 120#
1RM Press- 65#
1RM Deadlift- 185#

Monday, February 18, 2013

02-18-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study

Day 1 Data Collection:

Agility test- one legged hopping through pattern, holding 5 sec at each mark (6 marks)- right leg, 7 bobbles
Speed/agility- sprint, turning 3 times- 6 sec
Sit and reach- 26cm
Broad jump- 5'1''
Med ball shot put- sitting, 14# ball- 103cm
Max push ups 60sec- 20ish, chest up first
Max sit ups 60 sec- 30
Max squats 60 sec- 32
Max strict pull ups- 4 with green/purple band

Friday, February 15, 2013

02-15-13 CrossFit


For max weight:

Bear Complex-
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push jerk

Each time through all movements is one set. Bar cannot rest on ground at any time throughout set and in between sets it must be a touch and go into clean.
Seven consecutive sets is one round.

Must complete 5 rounds, increasing weight with each round.

35#, 45#, 50#, 55#, 60#

60# max

Thursday, February 14, 2013

02-14-13 CrossFit

CrossFit Valentine's Day

Choose a "double date"


Karabel (Karen + Isabel):
10 RFT:
3 snatch
15 wall ball


Frindy (Fran + Cindy):
20 min:
Do Fran
Pull ups
then in the remaining time, Cindy
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

I chose Frindy- 55#, pull ups with green/purple band
Fran took 14:55min and then 2 rds of Cindy with 1 pull up.

Felt pretty crummy today- tired, stomach hurt, etc. and probably should have gone 45# on my thrusters so I could get it done faster.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02-12-13 CrossFit


Max distance broad jump
1 RM Snatch balance (bar at back rack, squat snatch)
1 RM Front squat

5'2.5" broad jump, 50# snatch balance, 105# FS

Monday, February 11, 2013

02-11-13 CrossFit


15min AMRAP:
10yd handstand walk (sub 30 steps high pike shifts with feet on bar across squat stand)
10 pistols (each leg) (used ring for support)

4rds + 7 pistols, alt legs

Also did max time of handstand hold- done in squat rack, held approx 35sec.

Friday, February 8, 2013

02-08-13 CrossFit


Racked lunges, each leg, non-alternating (35#)
Wall walks (modified- started up on hands/knees, put foot high on wall, walked hands and feet not all the way to upright)


Missed yesterday since I forgot to set my alarm before going to bed, oops. Today, might have been able to do 45# lunges, but Brian encouraged me to go light and faster. Didn't feel it in my legs as much as I anticipated, though my left foot forward was definitely my weaker side.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

02-06-13 Walking

Walking at Banner with Case
1:30pm, 60F

5.25miles, approx 1hr45min

Very muddy and slippery on some down slopes!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

02-05-13 CrossFit


9...1 RFT
KBS (35#)
Box jump (18")
Strict pull up (green/purple bands)

16:22min.  Could have gone higher on box jumps (rx was 28") but sharing a box with someone who wasn't comfortable adding ht. Only had one miss, may try the 20" box for next workout with box jumps in it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

02-04-13 CrossFit

Indoor Track

For time:
Run 1 mile
Every minute on the minute do:
5 push ups
5 sit ups
3 burpees

23:30min.  First 600m did 5, 5, 3; then rest of mile did 3,3,1.

Man, I suck at running! Some laps only had to do 1 set, others had to do up to 4.

Friday, February 1, 2013

02-01-13 CrossFit


3 RFT:
15 ring dips (red band)
20 KBS (26#)
50 DU (150 singles)


The ring dips got difficult after the first 7 or so, especially as I was working the negative, but overall, the workout was pretty easy.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

01-31-13 CrossFit

CrossFit- indoor track

AMRAP in 15min
15 MBC (14#)
Bleacher run
200m MB carry

3rds + 15MBC

+ 1 stone to shoulder (65#)

Track was busy this morning- had to dodge about 4 other groups.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

01-29-13 CrossFit


3 RFT:
6 pull ups (green/purple bands)
12 K2E (half way up)
6 pull ups
12 K2E
6 press (45#)
12 power clean
6 press
12 power clean

27:11min.  Ripped my hands during the second round. Made K2E difficult as I can't support my weight very well in my fingertips and it hurts really really bad to put my torn palms on the bar. Ouchy.

Monday, January 28, 2013

01-28-13 Run/Walk

Running at Banner with Case- 3pm, 75F

Ran ~1.2miles out, walked it back (2.4mi total). Took some detours on the way back sight-seeing. Total time: 50:54min.
Forgot to use my inhaler before I left and didn't take it with me, so I chickened out of running the whole way.

Came home and walked around the block with Hank and Asher.

01-28-12 CrossFit


30th birthday celebration!
For time:
30 cal row
2- 15' rope climbs (scaled with 3 pull up with arms from ground per 1 climb)
30 box jump overs (16")
30 KB snatch (15 each arm, 18#)
30 KB goblet squat (26#)
30 MB situps (14#)
30 Deadlift (88#)
30 Bar facing burpees
30 DU (90 singles)
2- 15' rope climbs (scaled)

28:26 min

Went light on the KB snatches as my left shoulder is still achy. For DL, it was recommended to go 1/2 max, went a bit beyond that (my max DL is 105# currently, though I can go much heavier as a 1RM now, we just haven't done it for awhile). Overall, felt good!

Friday, January 25, 2013

01-25-13 CrossFit


For time:
Squat clean thruster (50#)
Burpee pull ups (burpee, climb on to box, jumping pull up)


Left shoulder was painful on thrusters. Pull ups seemed to stretch it out then it would get angry again. Also exhausted from lack of sleep last night. Ugh.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

01-24-13 CrossFit


For time:
1000m row
30 burpees
15 shoulder to overhead (push jerk, 60#)

12:01min.  Burpees only took 4:30 which is good considering earlier this month it took me 9min to do 50 of them. Rowing took 5min and the rest was the jerks.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

01-23-13 Running

Running at Banner with Case
Started around 5pm, temp 40F at start, 36F at end of run

approx 2.75miles, 46:28min.

Cold, and my legs were killing me from all the squats. But not too bad for my first outdoor run since May 2012.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

01-22-13 CrossFit


For max reps:

2 min good mornings (35)
2 min press (15)
2 min rest
3 min front squat (19)
3 min push press (20)
2 min rest
4 min back squat (30)
4 min press jerk (28)

All 45#

Total:  147

Squats were rough. Could have done more front squats...

Monday, January 21, 2013

01-21-13 CrossFit


MBC (14#)
OHS (25#)
Push ups

26:56min. I hate OHS. Still having issues with my right shoulder coming forward, led by the elbow. Need to work on flexibility, strength and form...

Friday, January 18, 2013

01-18-13 CrossFit


30 MU FT


Ring dip
Push up


20min AMRAP
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squat

I went with Cindy- pull ups with green/purple band, some kipping-

7rds + 2 pull ups.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

01-16-13 CrossFit


Hope (sister of Fight Gone Bad)
3 rounds for max score
1 min burpees (10, 8, 8)
1 min power snatch (45#) (4, 5, 5)
1 min box jump (16") (13, 12, 10)
1 min thrusters (45#) (5, 4, 5)
1 min chest to bar pull ups (kipping with green/purple band) (5, 5, 7)

Total: 106

Pretty sore from yesterday, didn't feel like I did as well as I could have. My snatches focused on form though, and I think I improved as far as keeping the bar back towards my body rather than arcing it up and out to get it overhead. Added a slight kip to my banded pull ups, though still need some major work on that to string them together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

01-15-13 CrossFit


10 RFT
1...10 single arm DB squat snatch (each arm) (15#)
10...1 hand release slapping push ups (hand release at top and bottom)
10 KBS (26#)

29:49min. Squats were pathetic- never got below parallel and rarely got anywhere near parallel. Need to work on OHS mobility stuff. Blech.

Monday, January 14, 2013

01-14-13 CrossFit

Indoor Track

800m run
400m run backwards

21:50min. Had about an 11min mile, so decent for me.

Friday, January 11, 2013

01-11-13 CrossFit


3 HSPU (pike)
6 pull ups (green/purple bands)
12 broad jump (3/4 mat length, 1.5m)


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

01-09-13 CrossFit


6 Rounds for total time
Hold each movement for a total of 30 sec before moving on to the next:
Handstand (feet hooked on barbell in green squat rack)
V-sit (arms forward for half of them)
Plank (first on on forearms, then on hands)


Coming off of being sick... blech.

Friday, January 4, 2013

01-04-13 CrossFit


2 RFT:
10 box jumps (16")
20 jumping lunges
30 DU (90 singles)
10 HSPU (pike position)
20 pull ups (jumping)
30 DB press (12# and 15#- about half of each due to sharing equipment)
10 Toes to bar (swinging tucks)
20 Hollow rounds (knees slightly bent, arms forward)
30 Med ball sit ups (14#)

30:19min. Lots of alterations, but got it done.