Saturday, December 29, 2012

12-29-12 CrossFit at home

CrossFit at home

Workout posted on K-State CrossFit FB group from CrossFit Bethesda

For time:
50 burpees
50 box jumps (15")
50 tuck jumps
50 squats
50 lunges

26:31min.  Had to stop a couple times and sit down for a minute due to light-headed/dizziness. Also, took the first 9 min to do the burpees!

Friday, December 21, 2012

12-21-12 CrossFit


Tabata (20sec work/10sec rest)- 8rds each for max reps
Row for calories
DU (singles divided by 3)
Box jumps (16")

40 calories + 100 (300 singles) + 49 box jumps = 189

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12-16-12 Treadmill at hotel

Treadmill at hotel

5min warmup (3.5mph)
20min run (4.5-5.0mph)
5min cool down (3.0mph)

Ran 1.5miles, approx 2 miles total distance covered.

Friday, December 14, 2012

12-14-12 CrossFit


DB Thrusters (12#)
DB Sit ups (12#)
Run 200m


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12-11-12 CrossFit


5 rounds for max reps
2min burpee dead lift (75#, step back)
1min DU (singles/3)
1 min rest

BDL- 52; DU- 140 (420 singles) = 192

Friday, December 7, 2012

12-07-12 CrossFit


15min AMRAP

6 Knees to elbows
20 Box jumps (14")
10 SDHP (55#)

4rds + 6 K2E + 20 Box Jumps

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12-04-12 CrossFit


Tabata (8rds, 20 sec doing movement, 10 second rest)
Tuck jump
Elevated push up
Strict pull up

Tuck jump- 31, 24, 16, 17, 17, 16, 20, 16= 157
L-sit (feet touching ground)- 10, 17, 14, 12, 13, 18, 13, 12= 109
Elevated push up (feet 8")- 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 6= 34
Strict pull up (jumping of 14" box)- 4, 5, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4= 36

Total reps: 336

Friday, November 30, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


11-30-12 CrossFit


7.5 RFT
10 Deck squats (20# DB)
10 KB tater with FS (26#)


1st rd started with 25# plate, dropped to 20# dumbbell.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11-27-12 CrossFit


For time:
500m row
250 DU (750 singles)
125 Mountain climbers
75 box jumps (14")


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

11-20-12 CrossFit


15 OHS (25#)
30 Front squat (45#)
45 lateral stick jump (13")


Friday, November 16, 2012

Weigh In

On scale in Ahern after workout



11-16-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 20min

5 slapping push ups (hand release)
10 knees to elbows (tucked swing)
15 SDHP (55#, Rx!)

5rds + HRPU + 5 K2E

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11-15-12 CrossFit

At home:

Modified Barbara

10 pull ups (jumping)
15 push-ups
20 sit ups
25 squats
3 min rest between rounds

1st rd: 4:58, 2nd rd: 5:31, 3rd rd: 6:18.

(Normal Barbara:


20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
3 min rest between rounds)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Weigh In

On scale in Ahern after workout


Magically I have not gained weight, no idea how I have managed that...

11-09-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 20 min
30 DU (90 singles)
15 DB Thrusters (12#)
10 slapping pushups (hand release)
Run 400m

2 rds + 7 pushups

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

11-06-12 CrossFit


8 round bottom to bottom squat tabata (20 seconds of as many squats as possible, followed by 10 seconds of "rest" in bottom position of squat... repeat 8 times)

then move immediately into-

AMRAP 12min
10 KBS (26#)
10 burpees
10 medicine ball sit ups (8#)

Lowest # of squats + rounds in AMRAP is score:
7 + 2KBS

(Tabata squats- max: 11, min: 4; AMRAP- 3 + 2KBS)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10-30-12 CrossFit


(Row 5min for warm up)

Max snatch
Max clean and jerk
3 attempt max, US weightlifting rules

if time remains,
20 back squats at 70% max wt.

Snatch- 70#, Clean and jerk- 80#
Did not have time for squats (stupid school!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10-23-12 CrossFit


For time:
Thrusters, 45# (10,6,5; 8,7; 9)
Pullups, jumping


Friday, October 19, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout:

186lbs. Have a feeling this number is going to go up due to stress and increased Dr. Pepper/caffeine intake over the next month or so.

10-19-12 CrossFit

CrossFit- Indoor track

10 RFT:
100m sprint
6 burpee jump tuck
15 jumping squats


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10-16-12 CrossFit


For time:

40 walking lunges with plate held overhead
20 side-to-side bar jumps
4 strict pull-ups
30 walking lunges with plate held overhead
20 side-to-side bar jumps
6 strict pull ups
20 walking lunges with plate held overhead
20 side-to-side bar jumps
8 strict pull ups
10 walking lunges with plate held overhead
20 side-to-side bar jumps
10 strict pull ups

25:58min.  Used 25# plate, 12" bar, green band with box.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Weigh In

On scale in Ahern after workout


Not bad considering trip to Michigan, and being at home most of this week not eating well.

10-12-12 CrossFit


25 Thrusters (35#)
50 Double unders (150 singles)
15 Horizontal ring rows (feet directly under rings)
20 Wall balls (8#)

32:34min. That was brutal.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10-09-12 CrossFit


For time:
10 Cleans
250m row
10 Jerks
25 DU (75 singles)
10 Clean and jerks
25 DU (75 singles)
10 Jerks
250m row
10 Cleans

60#, 13:45min

10-05-12 Hotel Crossfit

My attempt at CrossFit on my own in the hotel gym-

2mi bike ride- 8min something
Dumbell push press with 15lb wts
Sit ups

Didn't time myself. Was an OK workout, not great, but better than nothing!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10-02-12 CrossFit


For time:
50 burpees
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1:
HSPU (red/purple)
Pistols (each leg, alternating) (using ring to help pull up)
50 burpees (only completed 25)

33ish min. Didn't get the last 25 burpees done as I had to leave for class. Will finish them tonight.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Not as bad as I was expecting considering my diet this past week and last weekend in Oklahoma, along with the fact that I haven't completed a single burpee since Tuesday's workout...

09-28-12 CrossFit

CrossFit, outside track

For time:
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 800m
Run 400m
Run 400m

Each rest is the amount of time it takes to complete the previous run.

Total time:  28:06min

400m time avg 2:25min, 800m time was 5:36min

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

09-25-12 CrossFit


10 RFT:
10 squats
9 pushups
8 lunges
7 burpees
6 DU (18 singles)
5 sit ups


Burpee challenge:  have missed the 17th, 23rd and 24th. Today's 70 burpees makes up for all of them. Still need to do today's though...

Friday, September 21, 2012

09-21-12 CrossFit and Burpee challenge


Max TGU (Turkish get up)
Row or run 2000m

26# KB, 10:16 row

Burpee challenge
Have only missed one day (the 17th)- noticeably stronger on the push up and can sometimes get the kick back. Still need to do a step to get up though.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

09-18-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 20min
150 single jump rope (50 DU)
15 Push jerk (35# rx)
8 ring dip (red band)

5 rounds + 38 singles

Got my first DU during warm up! Couldn't connect it to anything or do it again, but I got one!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Need to start logging food again, I'm not doing as well as I thought without it!

09-14-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 15min
18 Slamballs (10#)
20 mat length bear crawl
6 Toes to bar (leg lift to parallel)

4 rounds + 10 SB

Bear crawls suck and slowed me way down

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

09-11-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Hero WOD

30 RFT
5 wall balls (8#)
3 HSPU (red/purple)
1 Power clean (65#)


Continuing burpee challenge!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Went up. Blah.

09-07-12 CrossFit


For max burpees:

In 3 minutes, do 21 thrusters then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 snatches, then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 SDHP, then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 cleans, then AMBAP.

5, 0 (only completed 17 snatches), 10, 7= 22
Weight:  35#

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

09-04-12 CrossFit


For time:
200m med ball run (14#)
200m backwards run
400m run
5 bleacher runs
400m run
200m backwards run
200m med ball run (14#)

22:47min. And I didn't fall!

09-03-12 30 Day Burpee Challenge

Going to do a 30 day burpee challenge for September.

Missed the first 2 days, so today I did 1, 2 and 3 burpees.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout-



08-31-12 CrossFit


1 Rep Max Front Squat 10-5-3-2-1-(1-1-1)
1-85# (failed second attempt)


Max reps without letting bar down
Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (do as many as possible of first move, then, when you can't do any more convert to second move and so on)

Strict Press- 20 reps
Push Press- 13 reps
Push Jerk- 7 reps

40 total reps at 35#

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

08-28-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 12min
10 Stiff-legged dead lift (35#)
20 Side-to-side bar jumps (9")

6 rds

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout:


Holding steady, haven't eaten the best this week. Goals for next week are to decrease grains some more and try to start a burpee challenge to add more exercise than just the twice weekly CrossFit classes.

08-24-12 CrossFit


For time:
Racked lunges (35#)
Sit ups
Push press (35#)

18:03min. Fell down during first set of lunges, took them slower in subsequent rounds.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

08-21-12 CrossFit


Run 400m
30 DB Squat Cleans (12#)
15 Burpees


Friday, August 17, 2012

Weigh In


On scale at Ahern following workout

08-17-12 CrossFit


Max strict pull ups (green/box)- 10
1min rest
Max HSPU (red/red)- 18
1min rest
Max calorie row in 1min- 13
1min rest
Max KBS in 1min (26#)- 25
5min rest


AMRAP in 12 min using max reps established above:
10 strict pull ups
13 calorie row
25 KBS

1 round (only 20 KBS) plus pull ups, HSPU and row

Really needed to do purple bands on HSPU but they were being used by others for the pull ups.  Using the green band with one foot on the box for the pull ups was great- may be able to phase out the box!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

08-14-12 CrossFit


Muscle up (modified- false grip ring row and triceps lift x2)
Squat snatch (15# from pockets position)


Friday, August 10, 2012

08-10-12 CrossFit

Getting over being sick.


Overhead Squat option C 2400lbs; each time you drop weight from overhead position, do 1 rope climb and 20 mat length broad jumps.

My workout:
10 OHS (25#)
3 modified rope climb
20 mat length broad jumps


Friday, August 3, 2012

08-03-12 CrossFit


Push press 12-9-6 unbroken

45#-12; 55#-4, 50#-5; 52#-6


For time:
30 Muscle ups
30 chest to bar pull ups (false grip preferred) (green band with box jumps, regular grip)
30 ring dips (red band)


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weigh In


On scale at gym after workout

4lbs down! Woohoo!

07-31-12 CrossFit


For time:
Wallballs 50-40-30-20-10 (8#)
Toes-to-bar 25-20-15-10-5 (lift straight legs to waist high)


Friday, July 27, 2012

07-27-12 CrossFit


5x3 Snatch (25#, working on technique)

AMRAP in 12min
30 double unders (90 singles)
6 ice cream makers (6 horizontal ring rows)
3 wall walks (5 pushup to pike)

3 rounds + 90 singles

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Weigh In


Scale at gym after workout

Down 2 lbs. Now I just gotta make sure I make it to CF twice a week and do my weekly homework and it should keep dropping!

07-24-12 Crossfit


For time:

2000m row
50 Pistols (alt leg) (using ring for assistance)
30 Hanging power clean (55#)


That was rough! My right leg, specifically my quad, is KILLING me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weigh In

191 lbs on scale at gym following workout

Changing up diet a bit- trying to eat more lean meats and fruits/veggies with less grains. We'll see how this goes...

07-17-12 Crossfit

20 pull ups (jumping pull ups)
200 single jump rope
2000lbs ground to overhead (clean/push press; 1st rd 3x55# + 22x45# = 1155lbs; 2nd rd 20x45# = 900lbs; 2055lbs total)


Friday, July 13, 2012

07-13-12 CrossFit


20 box jumps (3-45# plates)
20 ring dips (red band)
20yds broad jump (1.5yd/jump)
20 KBS (26#)


Friday, July 6, 2012

07-06-12 CrossFit

CrossFit outside

AMRAP in 10min
10 Double unders (3 single jump rope = 1 DU)
10 Lateral jumps (over 6" bar)
1 Run (36yds)

Each round, increase DU and LJ by 10 and run by 1 lap. (ie. Rd 2 = 20DU, 20LJ, 2 laps running)

3 Rds + 120 SJR + 23 LJ

Friday, June 29, 2012

06-29-12 CrossFit

CrossFit outside

KB walking lunges (each side)
KB snatch- right
KB snatch- left

14:31, 18# KB

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

06-26-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 5min
5 Pull ups (jumping pullups)
10 Jumping squats

Rest 2 min

AMRAP in 5min
5 Toes to bar (straight leg lift)
10 Box jumps (3-45# plates)

4 rounds + 5 PU + 2 JS and 4 rounds + 5 T2B + 5 BJ

Friday, June 22, 2012

06-22-12 Crossfit


250m row
15 jumping lunges (each side, 30 total)
15 KBS (26#)
3 Muscle ups (1 MU= 3 false grip pull ups, 3 bottom end of ring dip trying to raise feet off ground)

27:08 for 3 rounds.

First time I really haven't been able to finish a work out. One of the rare time I felt worse afterwards than I did before. Ugh. Brian wants me to work triceps by doing dips on the bars each day as part of my warm up. Need to figure out someway to do it at home. Hopefully swing by the park tonight and see if there is anything there I can use.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

06-19-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 21 min
7 DB Thrusters (12#)
7 DB Pushup/rows (12#, green/blue bands)
7 Knees to elbows (knees to hips)

5 rounds + 7 thrusters

Friday, June 15, 2012

06-15-12 Crossfit


21-15-9 for time
Jerk (45#) (7-7-7, 5-5-5, 5-4)
Burpees (step back plank position)


Monday, June 11, 2012

06-11-12 CrossFit


21-15-9 for time
Clean Front Squat thrusters (25#)
Burpee pull ups (step back plank position, box pull up)


Missed last week due to conference and allergies (aka being unable to breath) on Friday. My body reverts back to laziness pretty quickly.

Friday, June 1, 2012

06-01-12 CrossFit


8 Horizontal ring rows (feet on ground at angle vs horizontal on box)
15 Toes-to-bar (knees to chest)
7 Round Bears (Power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, jerk- 25#)

18:48min. Weight was limited by squats- specifically the back squat. The rest of the moves felt very easy at that weight. Could have gone a bit heavier but would have lost the speed that was needed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

05-30-12 Burpees and squats

10 wall squats
Burpees (step back with plank)
Front squat

Didn't actually time myself. I had to break up my set of 10 and this seemed to work well. My butt and thighs are dead from the lunges yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I'll time myself doing this and see if I can a- improve my time and b-work up to doing sets of 10.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

05-29-12 CrossFit

CrossFit- outside

AMRAP in 24min
Walking lunges- 32yds (16yds down and back)
Run- 96yds (3 laps of 16yds down and back)
15 Wall balls (MBC, 8#)
5 Burpees (step back, plank position)

4 rounds + 1/2 walking lunges

Slow start on my burpee goal. Did 5 on Saturday, none Sunday or Monday. Also want to start daily squats. Will try to be more consistent this week with doing daily exercises.

Friday, May 25, 2012

05-25-12 CrossFit


25 KBS (26# for first round and first 6 reps of second, then 17# to finish)
50 Double unders (150 singles)
10 Burpee tuck jumps (step back with plank)
20 Wall balls (8#)


I've decided I need to start doing burpees at home every day. My goal is to do 10 burpees each day. Ready... go!

Monday, May 21, 2012

05-21-12 CrossFit


50 double unders (150 singles)
40 sit ups (feet anchored)
30 MBC (8#)
20 Pull ups (jumping)
10 HSPU (red/purple)


I always made fun of the people on the Biggest Loser who complained whenever they had to change trainers. Well, today Brian was gone so I had a new trainer. I missed Brian. He knows where I'm at, how far I've come and what is typical for me during a work out. The new guy (who I never even caught his name) kept checking to make sure I wasn't dead or about to pass out and was encouraging, but just not Brian. Ridiculous I know, but there it is. I didn't die, though I was fighting off vomiting for about 3/4 of the workout, and I did it, even though he said after the fact he should have set a 30min time limit. But I'm too damn stubborn for time limits and want to just work till I'm done! Even when I started the third round and everyone else was pretty much done, and I just wanted to do 15 MBC, I powered through and did all 30. It sucked, but I did it. Ugh.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weigh In

Weigh in- midmorning after running


Down about 1/2 pound- not great, but good for what little exercise I did this week and how much extra calories I ate!

05-19-12 C25K


Week 4, Day 1

5min warm up, 0.25mi jog, 0.12mi walk, 0.5mi jog, 0.25mi walk, 0.25mi jog, missed my next cue for running so I walked about 0.9mi instead.

2.61mi, 44:09min

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

05-15-12 CrossFit


8 x 2 reps dead lift with max wt.

Wt 105lbs, total= 1680

Monday, May 14, 2012

05-14-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 12min

12 box jumps (3-45# plates)
6 thrusters (45#)
6 bar-facing burpees (step back)

3 rounds + 12 box jumps + 2 thrusters

followed by a cold shower since the university steam (aka hot water heater) is shut off this week. Awesome!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weigh In

Crummy week of not exercising much, combined with GI upset (yay antibiotics!)- heck a loss is a loss...


Thursday, May 10, 2012

05-10-12 C25K

Week 3 Day 2 C25K


Half workout due to electrical issues- treadmill shut down a couple times and lights were dimming...

0.25mi warm up, 0.125mi jog, 0.125mi walk, 0.25mi jog, 0.25mi walk

1mi, 15:00min

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

05-09-12 C25K

Week 3 Day 1 C25K


0.25mi warm up, 2 rounds of:  0.125mi jog, 0.125mi walk, 0.25mi jog, 0.25mi walk; 0.25mi cool down

2.00mi; 31:45min

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

05-08-12 CrossFit


Diane Rx 155#
21-15-9 Reps of
Deadlift- 55#
HSPU- red/red


(Hopefully I will be back to add some C25K to today as well...)

Monday, May 7, 2012

05-07-12 Nothing... again!

Ugh. Today was supposed to be a CrossFit day- but I was too exhausted so I slept in, thinking I'd at least be able to do a C25K work out tonight. Instead I worked late, got home at 8pm, ate a quick dinner, started grading papers and now need to get to bed so I can get up early enough to make it to CrossFit tomorrow. I REALLY need to work harder at not missing my workouts!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

05-06-12 Rest

Busy day with the family- no time to exercise. Trying not to have too many days like that!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weigh In

Afternoon, after work out


05-05-12 C25K

Week 2 Day 2 C25K


5min warm up, 5 rounds of 1:30min jog, 2:00 walk, 4min cool down

30:00min, 1.89mi

Friday, May 4, 2012

05-04-12 CrossFit


For time outside:
200m run, 20 burpees
400m run, 40 hollow rocks
800m run, 80 mountain climbers
400m run, 40 Superman rocks
200m run, 20 candlestick rolls


Thursday, May 3, 2012

05-03-12 C25K

Week 2 Day 1 C25K

5min warm-up, 5 rounds of running 1:30, walking 2min, 4min cool down

30min, 1.85mi

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

05-01-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 12min
15 box jumps (2-45# plates and 1-25# plate)
10 wall balls (8# ball)
5 Ring dips (red band)

4 rounds completed plus 15 BJumps and 10 WB

Monday, April 30, 2012

04-30-12 CrossFit


Modified 20 on 20's (Bryan forgot to list the last 9 exercises...)

20 dead lifts
20 10m rows
20 clean
20 10m rows
20 front squat
20 10m rows
20 push press
20 10m rows
20 back squat
20 10m rows

35# lifts, 22:33min

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weigh in

Evening (after work out)


04-29-12 C25K

Week 1 Day 3 C25K

5 min warm up, 8 rounds of 1min jog, 1:30min walk, 5 min cool down

30min, 1.75mi

Saturday, April 28, 2012

04-28-12 C25K

Week 1 Day 2 C25K


5min warm up, 8 rounds of 1min jog, 1:30 walk, 5 min cool down

30 min, 1.75mi

Friday, April 27, 2012

04-27-12 CrossFit


400m walk with wt plates in pinch grip, 1 burpee/time you set weights down

25# each hand, 19 burpees

6:30min walk, 10:30min total

Thursday, April 26, 2012

04-26-12 Alt Work Out :)

Worked in greenhouse hosing for 8hrs straight- enough of a workout for me! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

04-25-12 C25K

Week 1 Day 2 C25K

Outside at Banner
91F, asthma attack, Case was getting too hot- did not complete workout

5min warm up, 4 rounds of 1min jog, 1:30min walk, walked remainder of workout and cool down

34:20min, 1.56mi

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

04-24-12 CrossFit


10 RFT

2 Squat cleans- 37#
3 Muscle ups- Modified: 1 false grip pull up and 2 ring dips = 1MU
5 HSPU- Modified:  2 blue bands


Monday, April 23, 2012

04-23-12 CrossFit



12 KB taters with front squat- 18#
8 Divebomber push ups
400m run


Sunday, April 22, 2012

04-22-12 C25K

Week 1 Day 1 C25K

Outside at Banner

5min warm up, 8 rounds of 1min jog, 1:30min walk, 5min cool down

30:09min, 1.67mi

Friday, April 13, 2012

04-13-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 24

Fight Gone Bad!

3 rounds of 5 stations, 1min at each station with 1min rest in between rounds

Box jump (2-45# plates with 1-25# plate)
Push press (35#)
Rowing (count calories burned)
Wall ball (8#)
SDHP (45#)

17:00min, 225 total reps

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

04-11-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 23

Complete one 60yd sprint every 30 seconds for 6 min
5min jump rope


Monday, April 9, 2012

04-09-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 22

6/4 (?) RFT

30 Mountain climbers
20 L-sit foot raises
10 sotts press (10#)


Friday, April 6, 2012

04-06-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 21

15 shoot throughs (walk through)
15 divebomber pushups
800m run


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

04-04-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 20

10x2 box squat @50% 1 rep max (45# on 3-45# plates and 1-25# plate)
Rest 30 seconds
8x2 deadlift @50% 1 rep max (105#)
Rest 30 sec
5min OHS (15#, not continuous, but must be 5min total)

8:30min to complete 5min of OHS

Monday, April 2, 2012

04-02-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 19


80-60-40-20 Jump Rope
12 Burpees (step back)
10-15-20-25 MBC (8#)


Friday, March 30, 2012

03-30-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 18

10 Snatch balance (8#)
20 ball slams (10#)
30 mats broad jump (short width of mat)


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

03-28-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 17

AMRAP in 10min
5 pullups (jumping)
5 HSPU (blue/blue bands)


AMRAP in 10min
5 floor windshield wipers (knees slightly bent)
5 dips (24" box, feet on ground)

8 rounds + 5 pullups, then 8 rounds + 3 windshield wipers

Monday, March 26, 2012

03-26-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 16

For time:
400m run
2 Rounds
     40 KB OH Lunges (10#)
     20 slapping pushups (hand release on knees)
     40 KBS (10#)
     20 total Alt 1-arm KB clean thrusters (10#)
400m run


Friday, March 23, 2012

03-23-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 15

AMRAP in 20min
10 T2B (knees up)
3 Pullups (jump with blue band)
13 Deadlift (45#)

5 rounds + 10 T2B

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

03-19-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 13

4 HSPU (blue/blue band)
80yds plyo skips
25 Good mornings (15#)


Friday, March 16, 2012

03-16-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 12

10 RFT
8 burpees (6 step backs)
3 bleacher runs (half bleacher runs)


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

03-14-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 11

3 Rds Max Reps
1 min Rt Arm DB power snatch (8#)
30 sec rest
2 min FS (8# on 3-45# plates)
30 sec rest
1 min Left Arm DB power snatch (8#)
30 sec rest

85 reps

Monday, March 12, 2012

03-12-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 10

7 Muscle ups (false grip pull ups)
30 Mountain climbers
3 OHS (8# black  bar on 3-45# plates)
6 Front squat (8# black bar)
9 Back squat (8# black bar)
30 Mountain climbers
12 HSPU (green/blue bands)


Friday, March 9, 2012

03-09-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 9

400m run
21 KBS (18#, 3rd round only 15 reps)
42 Sit ups (anchored on track, 2nd round 22 reps, 3rd round 21 reps)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

03-07-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 8

1 arm DB OHS each side (8# on 14" purple box)
Sit ups (anchored, with abmat)
Push ups (regular with green/blue bands)


Monday, March 5, 2012

03-05-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 7

10 burpee DL (55#, step back)
20 push press (10#)
30 jump rope


Friday, March 2, 2012

03-02-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 6

AMRAP in 10min
10 ball slams (10#)
10 pull ups (box)


AMRAP in 10min
10 KB SDHP (18#)
10 HSPU (green/blue bands)

5 rounds + 5 ball slams, then 4 rounds + 10 SDHP

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

02-29-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 5

10 Hang squat cleans (12# on 3-43# plates)
10 KBS (15#)
10 box jumps (2-10# plate step ups)


Monday, February 27, 2012

02-27-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 4

7 HSPU (green/blue)
9 Pull ups (box, jumping)
11 Squats (16")


Friday, February 24, 2012

02-24-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 3

AMRAP in 3 min
3 MBC (4#)
3 Burpees (step back)

3 rounds

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

02-22-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention

AMRAP No setting bar down
Push Press

No data recorded.

Monday, February 20, 2012

02-20-12 CrossFit Intervention

Today was the first day of the exercise intervention study I am taking part of. I have been assigned to the CrossFit group.

Today was all about squats. WOD was 30 wallball for time.  Only had to do 10, used 4# ball.

Unable to walk the next several days due to all the squats. Ouch.