Tuesday, July 30, 2013

07-30-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Wt lifting WOD:
5x5 Good Mornings
50# x 3, 55# x 2

For time:
8 split snatch (40#, restricted by partner sharing bar, could have gone maybe another 5# or so)
7 bar MU (3 ring dip with red band, 3 jumping pull ups for each)
Run 400m (sub 400m row)


Subbed rowing because my heels are killing me after standing at work for pretty much 8hrs each day the past 2 days.

Monday, July 29, 2013

07-29-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

For time (20min time cap)
Row 2000m
50 alt. pistols (100 air squats)
30 hanging squat cleans (50#)

In 20min, completed through 6 HSC.

Was much cooler than last week. Squats about killed me- gonna be sore tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

07-23-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK
Damn near 104F...

Strength/Skill WOD
4 Rounds (12min cap)
Max reps strict C2B pullups (jumping off box)
Max reps weighted pushups (no weight)

Total reps: 39 (5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/4)

For time:
25 C2B pullups (jumping off box)
then 5 RFT:
10 chest to OH (40#)
10 box jumps (12")
25 C2B pullups (jumping off box)


Last set of pullups didn't even get chin over the bar. This heat is just killing me. Hopefully I adjust to it soon...

Monday, July 22, 2013

07-22-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

EMOM 10 min
2 Squat clean-thrusters

For time:
30 KBS (15#, I think)
10 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)
20 KBS
20 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)
10 KBS
30 Goblet squats
50 DU (200 singles)


Wow- that was rough for 3 weeks off! Good group of people, but it is western KS, was super hot, no A/C... so many excuses!

Monday, July 8, 2013

07-08-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MW)

Front squat 5x5
35#, 55#, 75#, 80#, 85# (x2)

For time:
20 push ups (17)
Single leg bleacher hop- left (both legs)
18 push ups (19)
Single leg bleacher hop- right (bleacher run)
16 push ups
Defensive slide up bleachers- left
14 push ups
Defensive slide up bleachers- right
12 push ups
Bleacher run
10 push ups

15:22 min.

Push ups are incredibly slow. Sand/gravel on stadium steps was a bit rough on my hands and knees. Couldn't do the one legged hops- did a few practicing, but psyched myself out. Did both leg (ala box jump) for one round, then just did a run on the second as per Christian.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

07-03-13 1 mile run

1 mile run on campus


No one showed up to coach CrossFit, so I ran a mile- across the Union square towards Hale, down to mid-campus drive, across to Willard, up around the square and back to Ahern.

Monday, July 1, 2013

07-01-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

12 min run for distance


Ran outside on the sidewalk around the old stadium. Each lab was about 800m. Hit the 1mile mark around 11min.

Went inside and did several half rope climbs. Got a little over 7.5ft up with 4 pulls. Did 5 OHS with 15# and 5 with 35#.