Tuesday, April 29, 2014

04-29-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

My T2B really haven't improved at all over the last 2yrs. Still ripped the crap out of my hands- should have done some callous work prior to this work out.

03-23-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 15

AMRAP in 20min
10 T2B (knees up)
3 Pullups (jump with blue band)
13 Deadlift (45#)

5 rounds + 10 T2B

AMRAP 20min
10 T2B (knees up)
3 pullups (green/black band)
13 deadlift (85#)

7 rounds + 10 T2B + 3 pullups + 6 deadlifts

It took me longer to get into the bands and such than it took to actually do the 3 pullups. Maybe could have changed bands, but this is what I've been working with so far in warm ups. Good weight on the deadlifts- did them in sets of 5 for all but the first round. Split the T2B up into sets of 5 but it still did nothing to save my hands. Need to do some searching on what I can do to improve them- definitely need more core strength in general, and that will probably help.

Monday, April 28, 2014

04-28-14 Recovery row

My back chain hurt so much from the good mornings that I rested Sat/Sun. Still sore today, plus the bottom of my left foot is cracking in 2 spots near calluses. Awesome. So I did some rowing as the next intervention work out has deadlifts and I'd like my legs to be a bit better before I do that.

15min row

22-24s/m, 4.5 damper setting, no shoes, no foot straps.

Friday, April 25, 2014

04-25-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Good day for a short workout. Only did a 500m row for a warm up in order to keep it even shorter.

03-21-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 14

12 min run

1440meters, outside

12 min run


Outside, around block. Made 3 full laps plus part of a fourth. Felt like a kept a good pace the entire time. Took about 3min45sec for the first lap and cut it down on the second, when I finished the third I had about 1min20sec to finish up. All in all felt pretty good.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

04-24-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Ugh, this one is sad to see where I'm at now. Not sure if it was just the week off or what as the only other changes were my mods on the HSPU (but there were only 4 per round, so that shouldn't have made much difference) and a slightly heavier good morning. Dang.

03-19-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 13

4 HSPU (blue/blue band)
80yds plyo skips
25 Good mornings (15#)


4 HSPU (knees on wt bench, head to ab mat on 10# plate)
80yds plyo skips (20yd lengths)
25 good mornings (35#)


The plyo skips quickly deteriorated into regular skipping. Can definitely feel the week rest. Ugh.

04-17-14 No time- just row!

Have to go in early to work today and lots to get done, so did a short row. Better than nothing!

4-5 damper setting, 22-24s/m

Tried to sprint the last 500m- kinda rough.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

04-16-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Wish I had my break down on this one rather than just total reps. Would make for a better comparison.

CrossFit Intervention Day 11

3 Rds Max Reps
1 min Rt Arm DB power snatch (8#)
30 sec rest
2 min FS (8# on 3-45# plates)
30 sec rest
1 min Left Arm DB power snatch (8#)
30 sec rest

85 reps

3 rds for Max Reps
1 min rt arm DB power snatch (10#)
30 sec rest
2 min FS (45#)
30 sec rest
1 min left arm DB power snatch (10#)
30 sec rest

23, 17, 23; 24, 17, 25; 25, 17, 27 = 198 reps

Wish I had something in between my 10# rigged up dumbbell and my 26# KB. Probably would have been slightly more realistic as the snatches were a breeze. Wanted to get more reps in a row on the FS, but set the bar down way more than I should have in a 2 min time span.

Monday, April 14, 2014

04-14-14 Snow day- 5K row

Snowed last night and garage was really cold today, so I wimped out and did a rowing workout rather than the scheduled intervention day.

02-04-14 5K row

28:04.4 min

Damper setting 4, ~23-25s/m

Row 5K

27:31.9 min

Damper setting 4.5, ~23-25s/m

Cut 30 seconds off my time in just a couple months, with one month not doing anything... not too bad.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

04-13-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Did some different subs on this one. Wish I had something slightly smaller than the 35# bar to do my OHS- I have been doing really well with using the band during warm ups, but the bar was tough. Also need to get my chalk out- my hands were so slick I had a hard time maintaining a grip for the OHS.

03-12-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 10

7 Muscle ups (false grip pull ups)
30 Mountain climbers
3 OHS (8# black  bar on 3-45# plates)
6 Front squat (8# black bar)
9 Back squat (8# black bar)
30 Mountain climbers
12 HSPU (green/blue bands)


2 RFT:
7 muscle ups (7 false grip pull ups, 7 dips with blue band)
30 mtn climbers (foot about 12" behind my hands)
3 OHS (35# bar)
6 FS (45#)
9 BS (45#)
30 mtn climbers
12 HSPU (knees on wt bench, head to abmat on 10# plate)


Only got like 2/6 OHS with good form, others dropped the bar before returning to upright. Had to take time to put plates on bar for FS and BS, but were able to do both sets without putting the bar down in between. Having a head target helped maintain my depth on the HSPU. Overall, not bad.

Friday, April 11, 2014

04-11-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Yesterday was a rest day- much needed. Slept in, graded some papers, and then worked a 9+hr slaughter day.

Anyways- today was another work out I vividly remember. This one is where I wiped out on the ramp and skinned my knees horribly during the warmup. I cheated on the KBS and wimped out on the sit ups. Today went MUCH better!

03-09-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 9

400m run
21 KBS (18#, 3rd round only 15 reps)
42 Sit ups (anchored on track, 2nd round 22 reps, 3rd round 21 reps)


3 RFT:
400m run
21 KBS (26#)
42 sit ups


Did all my runs in 3min- very consistent pace. Split KBS into 11/10, first set of sit ups was split in 2, then 4, then 4 again. Felt really good when I was done- first work out with the garage door open. Kinda nervous with anyone that drove by seeing me working out, but got over it and the breeze was nice. May do it more often!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

04-09-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

I distinctly remember this workout- lots of tears as I tried to do the one-armed OHS. At least I didn't cry this go round...

03-07-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 8

1 arm DB OHS each side (8# on 14" purple box)
Sit ups (anchored, with abmat)
Push ups (regular with green/blue bands)

1 arm DB OHS each side (10#- 2 5# DB)
Sit ups
Push ups (snaking)


The round of 10 had several OHS that weren't quite full depth. And some that my arm didn't stay extended through standing back up. But I pretty much did it all with OK form.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

04-08-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

For some of these, I really wonder how I did it last time as my time has increased dramatically...

03-05-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 7

10 burpee DL (55#, step back)
20 push press (10#)
30 jump rope


10 burpee DL (65#)
20 push press (55#)
30 DU

21:19 min

Did kinda light on the DL since I had to change weights before the push press. Did first set of push press in 10's, then went to 5's. For DUs, I did a combo of singles, DUs and good DU attempts to get to 30. That definitely added a lot of time versus just doing 30 singles which is what I think I did the first go round. I'm also betting I could do 20 push press at 10# in a single go fairly quickly.

Monday, April 7, 2014

04-07-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2 yrs later

Hmm, must have read this one wrong as I copied it as KBS rather than KB SDHP. Oh well, still a tough workout, my arms are jelly!

03-02-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 6

AMRAP in 10min
10 ball slams (10#)
10 pull ups (box)


AMRAP in 10min
10 KB SDHP (18#)
10 HSPU (green/blue bands)

5 rounds + 5 ball slams, then 4 rounds + 10 SDHP

AMRAP in 10 min
10 ball slams (15#)
10 pull ups (black/green bands)


AMRAP in 10 min
10 KBS (26#)
10 HSPU (knees on weight bench)

6 rounds + 5 pull ups; 7 rounds + 5 KBS

The depth of my pull ups and HSPU pretty much sucked. For pull ups, I was getting about eye level with the bar. I tried to do a slow release, but didn't get it every time. Probably next time I need to set up a head target to get better depth of HSPU.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

04-05-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2 yrs later

I guess this is a day that humbles me. No improvement in time, but big improvement in difficulty. So I guess that counts for something...

02-29-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 5

10 Hang squat cleans (12# on 3-43# plates)
10 KBS (15#)
10 box jumps (2-10# plate step ups)


10 hang squat cleans (35#)
10 KBS (26#)
10 box jumps (15")

8:29 min

More than doubled the weight on the squat cleans and did real squats vs box squats, just less than double the KBS and actually did box jumps versus very low step ups. I did my first round of cleans unbroken, then split into 5's, did all KBS unbroken. Still feel like my endurance sucks. But maybe by the end of the month it will be better.

Friday, April 4, 2014

04-04-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2 yrs later

Yesterday was a needed rest day. Muscles not sore this morning when I got up, feeling good.

02-27-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 4

7 HSPU (green/blue)
9 Pull ups (box, jumping)
11 Squats (16")


7 HSPU (knees on weight bench)
9 pull ups (green/black band)
11 squats


Definitely feel like I made some progress from the first go round. I did my first set of pull ups unbroken, the other rounds in 5/4 with the 4 being not as great. I could have gotten more depth on my HSPU, but it is a start.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

04-02-14 CrossFit Intervention 2yrs later

Wanted to make today a rest day- got home after 230am the past two nights, need to do work on my class, etc. But, today is a short workout and tomorrow really needs to be a rest day since I have a blood donation appointment. So- here we are.

Day 3:

02-24-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 3

AMRAP in 3 min
3 MBC (4#)
3 Burpees (step back)

3 rounds

AMRAP 3 min
3 MBC (14#)
3 burpees

4 rds + 2 MBC

I was hoping for 6 rounds, but I had several rest periods that were too long. Ugh. Really need to build up my endurance again, just doing 3 burpees in a row gassed me. But hey- better than sleeping in today!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

04-01-14 CrossFit Intervention 2yrs later

Not nearly as sore following the first day as I was the first go round. Granted, I didn't do as many squats as Bryan made me do then either. But hey- at least I can actually do squats!

So for day 2:

02-22-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention

AMRAP No setting bar down
Push Press

No data recorded.
Sucks I don't have any info on this one. But I gave it a shot:

AMRAP without setting the bar down:
Push press

35# bar, 13 rounds

The presses got really difficult really quickly. I could have pushed myself through a few more rounds, maybe.