Wednesday, September 25, 2013

09-25-13 CrossFit in Dallas Hotel Room

CrossFit in Dallas Hotel Room

Angie (modified to 60%)
60 pull ups (butt on floor, pulled up to bottom of desk)
60 push ups
60 sit ups
60 squats


Ran the stairs from 4th floor to bottom and back up twice for warm up. Can tell it's been 2 wks...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

09-11-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Find 1RM Front Squat

50#, 70#, 80#, 90#, 100#, 105#, failed 110# 2 times

4 RFT:
15 deadlift (100#)
15 Toes-2-Bar (subbed 30 sit ups)
15 Hand release push ups
45 double unders (3x singles)


FS 1RM is same as it was last time I did it, glad I at least haven't lost though I really wanted to get the 110#. Subbed sit ups for T2B because my hands were already ripped from KBS yesterday. Started with DU, did about 10 and then did singles for the remainder of the WOD.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

09-10-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

5 rds, 3min:
20 KBS (30#)
10 KB goblet squats (30#)
200m row
With remaining time, max burpees
Rest 2 min

Total burpees: 11
2 rds only did 100m row- started burpees while waiting on rower to open and only got 100m before the 3 min was up. Did KBS unbroken 2/5 rds.

Midline WOD:
8 min AMRAP
8 TGU (4 each side) (15# dumbbell)
20 plank up/downs

1rd + 2 TGU

Ripped my hand on KBS and had a hard time balancing the dumbbell for TGU and had to keep my hand arched on planks. Owwie.

Monday, September 9, 2013

09-09-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

3 RFT:
Run 400m
21 KBS (30#)
12 pull ups (red/green bands)


Running sucks.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

09-04-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

Strength WOD:
12 min EMOM
Even minutes: 4 front squat (60#)
Odd minutes: 12 scaled HSPU (knees on 24" box, using feet/shins for leverage, hands further away from box)

12min AMRAP:
12 hand-release push ups
12 KBS (25#)
30m sled push (110#)

5 rds (last round probably only got half of the sled push in)

Push ups still need a lot of work. Had a couple good ones at the start of each round. Could have gone heavier with the KBS. Also disappointed in my front squat- should have been 75-80% of 1RM which is 105# for me, so I was a little less than 60%. Can tell I've had time off.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

09-03-13 CrossFit RUK

CrossFit RUK

For time:
Buy in- 3 rope climbs (1/2 rope climbs, 2 grips)
15 Snatch (55#)
300m run
10 Snatch
200m run
5 Snatch
100m run
Buy out- 3 rope climbs


Should have worn my tall socks- but it was too hot so now my leg is very ripped up from the rope. The running went fairly well- I pretty much kept up with everyone else.