Friday, June 28, 2013

06-28-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MG)

3 RFT:
5 x-HSPU (rx was hands on parallettes, head to 2-45# and 1-25# plate for a few inch deficit- I did feet on 20" box, head to ground)
7 ring MU (2:1 ring dip with thin blue band, ring rows)
Run ~800m (to library entrance and back)


I think I run more from my knees than from my hips which results in a very short stride. Should try working on moving more from my hips...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

06-27-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

For time:
50 ball slams (15# rx)
50 KBS (26#)
50 OHS (20#)
50 DB step ups (16" rx, first 4 with 25# rx, remaining with 20#)


My shoulders were sore from yesterday, so this was pretty rough. Probably 3/4 of the OHS felt like I had great form and I was able to get 7-8 reps per set with good form. DB step ups were difficult as my arms were just too tired to hold the weight- did most of them in sets of 4.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

06-26-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (GWM)

4 Rounds for Max Reps
1 min deadlift (95# rx)
1 min full squat box jump (16")
1 min rest
1 min push up (as strict as possible)
1 min shoulder to overhead (65# rx)
1 min rest

Total reps: 150

Deadlift- 18, 14, 12, 12
Box jump- 9, 8, 8, 9
Push up- 12, 10, 10, 9
S2OH- 5, 5, 4, 5

Could have gotten more reps on S2OH if I had gone with a lighter weight, but I'm glad I went Rx on it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

06-21-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (MWG)

Deadlift (125# approx 65% of 1RM)
Toes to bar (knees to boobs)
Lateral bar jump (17", over and back=1)


Had to do most of the DL in sets of three as my back started to hurt a bit at that point and I was worried about my form. The T2B was also done in small sets to try and avoid ripping my hands. Finished with 5 OHS with 15# bar.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

06-20-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WG)

10 RFT:
2 snatch (95# Rx, 60#)
3 muscle  ups (3 false-grip ring rows, 3 ring dips with red band)
4 HSPU (knees on 20" box)


Left arm hurt quite a bit today. My left pinky got a bit tingly during the snatches. Could go heavier if I could land more in a squat with confidence. After the workout I did a few hanging squat snatches with the PVC and the 15# bar.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

06-19-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (M)

5 RFT:
25 DU (75 singles)
50' bear crawl
10 box jumps (20")
50' crab walk


Did one round with lunges and backwards lunges to replace bear crawl/crab walk due to pain in left lateral forearm. This killed my legs and made my box jumps scary, so I went back to doing the workout as indicated, stopping to rest about halfway through.

Prior to the workout, got a couple DUs in a row. Also did 1min AMRAP singles unbroken- got 140.

Monday, June 17, 2013

06-17-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WMG)

Burpee Helen:
3 RFT:
Run 400m
21 KBS (26#)
12 burpees


Ran on the quad outside. Really need to work on my running- so slow!

Afterwards did 3 holds overhead with 35#, 10 OHS with PVC and 5 OHS with 15# bar.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

06-11-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (G)

8min AMRAP:
1 pullup
2 pushups
3 squats
4 pullups
5 pushups
6 squats... etc.

2 min rest


For time:
Descending from wherever you stopped in the AMRAP.

I completed the round of 14 push ups and took 9:19min to descend.

My pushup form really sucked today. Used thick green/purple bands for pullups and very few actually got my chin over the bar. Need to work on both of those apparently!

Afterwards, held the 35# bar overhead some, did some OHS with PVC and a few with the 15# bar.

Monday, June 10, 2013

06-10-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

5 RFT:
50 DU (150 singles)
5 wall walks (partial, didn't get chest to wall, only got hands across the first mat line)
10 power cleans (55#)


Aaron gave us the option to make it a 20min AMRAP after the first two rounds took about 12min. But settled into a groove and finished the 4th round around min 22, so decided to finish.

Friday, June 7, 2013

06-07-13 CrossFit at home

CrossFit (front yard)

Double unders (3x's singles)
Sit ups


The area I chose to use was an uneven surface, so even with my yoga mat there was a left to right slant when I was trying to jump rope and it took me awhile to accommodate my swing to it. Lots of misses and only getting groups of 3-5 jumps. Similar issue with the sit ups and having to redajust my body as it was leaning side to side. Halfway through the 30 round, I turned so my feet were downhill and my body was uphill and finished that way. Got one DU during my warm up, really need to find the time to work on those more.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

06-06-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (R)

3 rounds for time:
100m MB run (14#)
5 MB deck squats
100m MB run
10 burpees
100m MB run
15 MB cleans
100m MB run
20 MB sit ups


I suck at running. I suck even more at running while carrying a wet 14# med ball. I also suck at burpees. Blech.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

06-05-13 CrossFit

CrossFit (WMG)

Regional Workout #6

For time:
100 Double-unders (300 singles)
50 Handstand push-ups (first 30 with feet on 24" box, last 20 with knees on box)
40 Toes-to-bar (knees to boobs)
30 Shoulder to overhead with axle (160 / 100 lbs) (regular women's bar, 50#)
90 foot Walking lunge with axle in front rack (160 / 100 lbs) (regular women's bar, 50#)


HSPUs in groups of 5 or so, T2B in groups of 4-5 as my hands really wanted to rip and did a little bit, shoulder to overhead- first 20 did push press, last 10 tried to jerk it a bit, did all in groups of 5, walking lunge broke into 4 segments (we did 7.5mats down and back, each step for me was about half a mat). Overall, could have pushed a bit harder, but it was not too bad.