Thursday, January 31, 2013

01-31-13 CrossFit

CrossFit- indoor track

AMRAP in 15min
15 MBC (14#)
Bleacher run
200m MB carry

3rds + 15MBC

+ 1 stone to shoulder (65#)

Track was busy this morning- had to dodge about 4 other groups.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

01-29-13 CrossFit


3 RFT:
6 pull ups (green/purple bands)
12 K2E (half way up)
6 pull ups
12 K2E
6 press (45#)
12 power clean
6 press
12 power clean

27:11min.  Ripped my hands during the second round. Made K2E difficult as I can't support my weight very well in my fingertips and it hurts really really bad to put my torn palms on the bar. Ouchy.

Monday, January 28, 2013

01-28-13 Run/Walk

Running at Banner with Case- 3pm, 75F

Ran ~1.2miles out, walked it back (2.4mi total). Took some detours on the way back sight-seeing. Total time: 50:54min.
Forgot to use my inhaler before I left and didn't take it with me, so I chickened out of running the whole way.

Came home and walked around the block with Hank and Asher.

01-28-12 CrossFit


30th birthday celebration!
For time:
30 cal row
2- 15' rope climbs (scaled with 3 pull up with arms from ground per 1 climb)
30 box jump overs (16")
30 KB snatch (15 each arm, 18#)
30 KB goblet squat (26#)
30 MB situps (14#)
30 Deadlift (88#)
30 Bar facing burpees
30 DU (90 singles)
2- 15' rope climbs (scaled)

28:26 min

Went light on the KB snatches as my left shoulder is still achy. For DL, it was recommended to go 1/2 max, went a bit beyond that (my max DL is 105# currently, though I can go much heavier as a 1RM now, we just haven't done it for awhile). Overall, felt good!

Friday, January 25, 2013

01-25-13 CrossFit


For time:
Squat clean thruster (50#)
Burpee pull ups (burpee, climb on to box, jumping pull up)


Left shoulder was painful on thrusters. Pull ups seemed to stretch it out then it would get angry again. Also exhausted from lack of sleep last night. Ugh.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

01-24-13 CrossFit


For time:
1000m row
30 burpees
15 shoulder to overhead (push jerk, 60#)

12:01min.  Burpees only took 4:30 which is good considering earlier this month it took me 9min to do 50 of them. Rowing took 5min and the rest was the jerks.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

01-23-13 Running

Running at Banner with Case
Started around 5pm, temp 40F at start, 36F at end of run

approx 2.75miles, 46:28min.

Cold, and my legs were killing me from all the squats. But not too bad for my first outdoor run since May 2012.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

01-22-13 CrossFit


For max reps:

2 min good mornings (35)
2 min press (15)
2 min rest
3 min front squat (19)
3 min push press (20)
2 min rest
4 min back squat (30)
4 min press jerk (28)

All 45#

Total:  147

Squats were rough. Could have done more front squats...

Monday, January 21, 2013

01-21-13 CrossFit


MBC (14#)
OHS (25#)
Push ups

26:56min. I hate OHS. Still having issues with my right shoulder coming forward, led by the elbow. Need to work on flexibility, strength and form...

Friday, January 18, 2013

01-18-13 CrossFit


30 MU FT


Ring dip
Push up


20min AMRAP
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squat

I went with Cindy- pull ups with green/purple band, some kipping-

7rds + 2 pull ups.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

01-16-13 CrossFit


Hope (sister of Fight Gone Bad)
3 rounds for max score
1 min burpees (10, 8, 8)
1 min power snatch (45#) (4, 5, 5)
1 min box jump (16") (13, 12, 10)
1 min thrusters (45#) (5, 4, 5)
1 min chest to bar pull ups (kipping with green/purple band) (5, 5, 7)

Total: 106

Pretty sore from yesterday, didn't feel like I did as well as I could have. My snatches focused on form though, and I think I improved as far as keeping the bar back towards my body rather than arcing it up and out to get it overhead. Added a slight kip to my banded pull ups, though still need some major work on that to string them together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

01-15-13 CrossFit


10 RFT
1...10 single arm DB squat snatch (each arm) (15#)
10...1 hand release slapping push ups (hand release at top and bottom)
10 KBS (26#)

29:49min. Squats were pathetic- never got below parallel and rarely got anywhere near parallel. Need to work on OHS mobility stuff. Blech.

Monday, January 14, 2013

01-14-13 CrossFit

Indoor Track

800m run
400m run backwards

21:50min. Had about an 11min mile, so decent for me.

Friday, January 11, 2013

01-11-13 CrossFit


3 HSPU (pike)
6 pull ups (green/purple bands)
12 broad jump (3/4 mat length, 1.5m)


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

01-09-13 CrossFit


6 Rounds for total time
Hold each movement for a total of 30 sec before moving on to the next:
Handstand (feet hooked on barbell in green squat rack)
V-sit (arms forward for half of them)
Plank (first on on forearms, then on hands)


Coming off of being sick... blech.

Friday, January 4, 2013

01-04-13 CrossFit


2 RFT:
10 box jumps (16")
20 jumping lunges
30 DU (90 singles)
10 HSPU (pike position)
20 pull ups (jumping)
30 DB press (12# and 15#- about half of each due to sharing equipment)
10 Toes to bar (swinging tucks)
20 Hollow rounds (knees slightly bent, arms forward)
30 Med ball sit ups (14#)

30:19min. Lots of alterations, but got it done.