Monday, March 31, 2014

03-31-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

I have been off for too long. To get a jump start back into CrossFit, I've decided to go back to the beginning. Just over 2yrs ago I was introduced to CrossFit via the Intervention study. We did WODs MWF for about 25 sessions. My plan is to repeat all the workouts over the course of this month. No strict schedule, if I need a rest day I'll take one. But hopefully I can get them all done before April is over and I will have drastically improved on all of them. This was Day 1:

02-20-12 CrossFit Intervention

Today was the first day of the exercise intervention study I am taking part of. I have been assigned to the CrossFit group.

Today was all about squats. WOD was 30 wallball for time.  Only had to do 10, used 4# ball.

Unable to walk the next several days due to all the squats. Ouch.

So, today I did a 500m row, the CrossFit mainsite warm up and tackled the following WOD:

For time:
30 wallballs (14#)


Only did 8ft as I had a hard time finding a surface. Wound up using the eave on the back of the house.