Tuesday, May 27, 2014

05-27-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Haven't done much the last two weeks. Gotta get back into this thing...

03-30-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 18

10 Snatch balance (8#)
20 ball slams (10#)
30 mats broad jump (short width of mat)


10 snatch balance (35#, did as power snatch as I can't do a squat snatch with that much weight...)
20 ball slams (15#)
30 mats broad jump (short width of mat)


Broke the ball slams up into 2 rds of 10, did the broad jumps unbroken. Did 10 snatch balance into the full squat with the PVC pipe. Really need to get a mid-weight bar made to work on these things more.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

05-13-14 5K Row

Some previous rows:

02-04-14 5K row
28:04.4 min, Damper setting 4

04-14-14 Row 5K
27:31.9 min, Damper setting 4.5


05-13-14 5K row
26:19.4 min, Damper setting 4.5
265 cal

Pretty happy cutting over a minute off my time in less than a month.

Friday, May 9, 2014

05-09-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Definitely made some gains here. But I've noticed improvements just doing the pull ups and dips during my warm up each day. Changed up my warm up some today and did 3rds with only 5 pull ups and 5 dips in the first two rounds, skipping them completely during the third round. Also upped to 15 sit ups each round.

Apparently I copied this workout down wrong- I thought it was weird but did it anyways- for the first set, I did 10 HSPU rather than 5. Would have gotten a lot more rounds had I done it right, considering the HSPU was what slowed me down each round after the first 5-6 of them...

03-28-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 17

AMRAP in 10min
5 pullups (jumping)
5 HSPU (blue/blue bands)


AMRAP in 10min
5 floor windshield wipers (knees slightly bent)
5 dips (24" box, feet on ground)

8 rounds + 5 pullups, then 8 rounds + 3 windshield wipers

AMRAP 10 min
5 pull ups (blue/black bands)
10 HSPU (knees on weight bench, head to abmat on 10lb plate)


AMRAP 10 min
5 dips (blue band/jumping)
5 floor windshield wipers (knees bent)

8 rounds + 5 pull ups, then 10 rounds + 5 dips

Kinda want to redo the first half to see how much I can get with the correct number of HSPU. Oh well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

05-07-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

This one pretty much sucked. I'm finding with these long workouts I'm just gassed. My cardio doesn't seem to be as good as it was 2yrs ago. I dunno.

03-26-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 16

For time:
400m run
2 Rounds
     40 KB OH Lunges (10#)
     20 slapping pushups (hand release on knees)
     40 KBS (10#)
     20 total Alt 1-arm KB clean thrusters (10#)
400m run


For time:
Run 400m
then 2 rounds (1 round)
     40 KB OH Lunges (10#)
     20 slapping pushups (regular pushups)
     40 KBS (26#)
     20 alternating 1-arm KB clean thrusters (10#)
Run 400m

18:10, but I only did one round in the middle.

My legs were killing me already after one round. I decided it would be better to just do one round and still be able to walk/workout for the remainder of the week.

I am proud of my gains in the warm up though. I've gone from pull ups with green/black bands to blue/black bands. I'm also using less leg/jumping on my ring dips. Really happy about that!

05-05-14 Running

Had a week off because I was sick. Still a bit of sinus congestion, but doing better. Took it easy by taking a run with the dog. Made 3 laps around the loop- on the start of the third lap, we got met by a boxer flying out of the door, so I got a bit of weight lifting in by having to pick up Case to avoid a dog fight. Finished out the lap and called it a day. Didn't time myself (kinda glad I didn't with the interruptions), but made it through.

Ran- 1530m / 0.93miles