Thursday, February 28, 2013

02-28-13 CrossFit


For time:

30 wall walks
At the start of each minute, complete 15 DU.

16:03min. Did 45 singles each minute, but limited to 30 sec for jump rope each minute. At end of time, did 20 make up singles.

Then- did 5 pull ups with green/purple, 3 with green only.

Also worked on getting DU. Got 1 with a speed rope.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

02-26-13 CrossFit


FGB- Coach Aaron style

3 RFT:
1 min plate push (5# plastic plate, 5 mat lengths)- 2, 2, 2
1 min deck squat (used 8# dumbbell for momentum)- 12, 11, 11
1 min ice cream makers (jumping knees to elbows on rings)- 8, 8, 7
1 min Russian KBS (35#)- 22, 20, 19
1 min row (for calories)- 7, 6, 7

Total:  144 reps

Monday, February 25, 2013

02-25-13 CrossFit


12min AMRAP
12 box jumps (20" Rx)
6 Thrusters (55#)
6 Bar-facing burpees

3rds + box jumps + thrusters + 1 burpee

Box jumps were a bit slow- I was intimidated by doing 20" in a workout since I've only done them that high one other time before and it really beat on my heel that is still painful.

Friday, February 22, 2013

02-22-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit study

Did measurements and survey form.

Day 3 evaluation supposed to be run 400m, rest 10 min, run 1.5 miles.
Due to heel injury, substituted rowing.

Row 500m- 2:14min
Rest 10 min
Row 2000m- 10:20min
HR after long row- 176bpm.

02-21-13 Snow shoveling

Cleared the driveway behind my car- 6-12" of snow. Shoveled for approx 1 hr.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02-19-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study

CrossFit Total:
1RM Back squat- 120#
1RM Press- 65#
1RM Deadlift- 185#

Monday, February 18, 2013

02-18-13 CrossFit Study

CrossFit Study

Day 1 Data Collection:

Agility test- one legged hopping through pattern, holding 5 sec at each mark (6 marks)- right leg, 7 bobbles
Speed/agility- sprint, turning 3 times- 6 sec
Sit and reach- 26cm
Broad jump- 5'1''
Med ball shot put- sitting, 14# ball- 103cm
Max push ups 60sec- 20ish, chest up first
Max sit ups 60 sec- 30
Max squats 60 sec- 32
Max strict pull ups- 4 with green/purple band

Friday, February 15, 2013

02-15-13 CrossFit


For max weight:

Bear Complex-
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push jerk

Each time through all movements is one set. Bar cannot rest on ground at any time throughout set and in between sets it must be a touch and go into clean.
Seven consecutive sets is one round.

Must complete 5 rounds, increasing weight with each round.

35#, 45#, 50#, 55#, 60#

60# max

Thursday, February 14, 2013

02-14-13 CrossFit

CrossFit Valentine's Day

Choose a "double date"


Karabel (Karen + Isabel):
10 RFT:
3 snatch
15 wall ball


Frindy (Fran + Cindy):
20 min:
Do Fran
Pull ups
then in the remaining time, Cindy
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

I chose Frindy- 55#, pull ups with green/purple band
Fran took 14:55min and then 2 rds of Cindy with 1 pull up.

Felt pretty crummy today- tired, stomach hurt, etc. and probably should have gone 45# on my thrusters so I could get it done faster.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02-12-13 CrossFit


Max distance broad jump
1 RM Snatch balance (bar at back rack, squat snatch)
1 RM Front squat

5'2.5" broad jump, 50# snatch balance, 105# FS

Monday, February 11, 2013

02-11-13 CrossFit


15min AMRAP:
10yd handstand walk (sub 30 steps high pike shifts with feet on bar across squat stand)
10 pistols (each leg) (used ring for support)

4rds + 7 pistols, alt legs

Also did max time of handstand hold- done in squat rack, held approx 35sec.

Friday, February 8, 2013

02-08-13 CrossFit


Racked lunges, each leg, non-alternating (35#)
Wall walks (modified- started up on hands/knees, put foot high on wall, walked hands and feet not all the way to upright)


Missed yesterday since I forgot to set my alarm before going to bed, oops. Today, might have been able to do 45# lunges, but Brian encouraged me to go light and faster. Didn't feel it in my legs as much as I anticipated, though my left foot forward was definitely my weaker side.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

02-06-13 Walking

Walking at Banner with Case
1:30pm, 60F

5.25miles, approx 1hr45min

Very muddy and slippery on some down slopes!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

02-05-13 CrossFit


9...1 RFT
KBS (35#)
Box jump (18")
Strict pull up (green/purple bands)

16:22min.  Could have gone higher on box jumps (rx was 28") but sharing a box with someone who wasn't comfortable adding ht. Only had one miss, may try the 20" box for next workout with box jumps in it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

02-04-13 CrossFit

Indoor Track

For time:
Run 1 mile
Every minute on the minute do:
5 push ups
5 sit ups
3 burpees

23:30min.  First 600m did 5, 5, 3; then rest of mile did 3,3,1.

Man, I suck at running! Some laps only had to do 1 set, others had to do up to 4.

Friday, February 1, 2013

02-01-13 CrossFit


3 RFT:
15 ring dips (red band)
20 KBS (26#)
50 DU (150 singles)


The ring dips got difficult after the first 7 or so, especially as I was working the negative, but overall, the workout was pretty easy.