Friday, September 28, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Not as bad as I was expecting considering my diet this past week and last weekend in Oklahoma, along with the fact that I haven't completed a single burpee since Tuesday's workout...

09-28-12 CrossFit

CrossFit, outside track

For time:
Run 400m
Run 400m
Run 800m
Run 400m
Run 400m

Each rest is the amount of time it takes to complete the previous run.

Total time:  28:06min

400m time avg 2:25min, 800m time was 5:36min

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

09-25-12 CrossFit


10 RFT:
10 squats
9 pushups
8 lunges
7 burpees
6 DU (18 singles)
5 sit ups


Burpee challenge:  have missed the 17th, 23rd and 24th. Today's 70 burpees makes up for all of them. Still need to do today's though...

Friday, September 21, 2012

09-21-12 CrossFit and Burpee challenge


Max TGU (Turkish get up)
Row or run 2000m

26# KB, 10:16 row

Burpee challenge
Have only missed one day (the 17th)- noticeably stronger on the push up and can sometimes get the kick back. Still need to do a step to get up though.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

09-18-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 20min
150 single jump rope (50 DU)
15 Push jerk (35# rx)
8 ring dip (red band)

5 rounds + 38 singles

Got my first DU during warm up! Couldn't connect it to anything or do it again, but I got one!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Need to start logging food again, I'm not doing as well as I thought without it!

09-14-12 CrossFit


AMRAP in 15min
18 Slamballs (10#)
20 mat length bear crawl
6 Toes to bar (leg lift to parallel)

4 rounds + 10 SB

Bear crawls suck and slowed me way down

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

09-11-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Hero WOD

30 RFT
5 wall balls (8#)
3 HSPU (red/purple)
1 Power clean (65#)


Continuing burpee challenge!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weigh In

On scale at Ahern after workout


Went up. Blah.

09-07-12 CrossFit


For max burpees:

In 3 minutes, do 21 thrusters then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 snatches, then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 SDHP, then AMBAP
Rest 2 min
In 3 min, do 21 cleans, then AMBAP.

5, 0 (only completed 17 snatches), 10, 7= 22
Weight:  35#

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

09-04-12 CrossFit


For time:
200m med ball run (14#)
200m backwards run
400m run
5 bleacher runs
400m run
200m backwards run
200m med ball run (14#)

22:47min. And I didn't fall!

09-03-12 30 Day Burpee Challenge

Going to do a 30 day burpee challenge for September.

Missed the first 2 days, so today I did 1, 2 and 3 burpees.