Sunday, April 13, 2014

04-13-14 CrossFit Intervention, 2yrs later

Did some different subs on this one. Wish I had something slightly smaller than the 35# bar to do my OHS- I have been doing really well with using the band during warm ups, but the bar was tough. Also need to get my chalk out- my hands were so slick I had a hard time maintaining a grip for the OHS.

03-12-12 CrossFit

CrossFit Intervention Day 10

7 Muscle ups (false grip pull ups)
30 Mountain climbers
3 OHS (8# black  bar on 3-45# plates)
6 Front squat (8# black bar)
9 Back squat (8# black bar)
30 Mountain climbers
12 HSPU (green/blue bands)


2 RFT:
7 muscle ups (7 false grip pull ups, 7 dips with blue band)
30 mtn climbers (foot about 12" behind my hands)
3 OHS (35# bar)
6 FS (45#)
9 BS (45#)
30 mtn climbers
12 HSPU (knees on wt bench, head to abmat on 10# plate)


Only got like 2/6 OHS with good form, others dropped the bar before returning to upright. Had to take time to put plates on bar for FS and BS, but were able to do both sets without putting the bar down in between. Having a head target helped maintain my depth on the HSPU. Overall, not bad.

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