Monday, September 29, 2014

09-29-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 1 round of work out

5 RFT:
10 strict HSPU (knees on wt bench, 25# plate with yoga mat on top)
20 GHD sit ups (ab mat)

8:21 min

Increased the difficulty of the HSPU as the last few times I did it with the 35# plate it was too easy. Definitely felt it in the abs towards the end.

09-26-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

Clean and Jerk

55#, 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#, 85# (fail), 85# (fail)

Got the clean on both failures. My second attempt at 85# went a bit higher on the jerk than the first- really need to try and drop below it better.

09-24-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

Every 2 min for as long as possible: (5 rds)
2 Rope climb, 15ft (10 pull ups)
Front squats, 185#, increasing by 2 each round (55#)

14:48 min

Did 5 rds rather than the every 2 min scheme as I would have only gotten a couple rounds and I was subbing pull ups for rope climbs as it was.

09-23-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

2 rds of The Seven:
Same mods as yesterday, 12:40 min


45#, 55#, 60# (fail), 60#, 65# (fail), 65#, 70# (fail)

Last successful lift was the 65# with a lot of pushing it out at the top.

09-22-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 3-7 reps of all movements in workout

The Seven:
7 RFT:
7 HSPU (knees on wt bench, abmat on 35# plate)
7 Thrusters, 135# (45#)
7 Knees to elbows (knee tucks)
7 Deadlift, 245# (95#)
7 Burpees
7 KBS, 2 pood (26#)
7 Pull ups (red/black)

5 rounds, 41:48 min

Did just 5 rounds because I was dying. Took it all pretty slow with plenty of resting.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

09-21-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, Samson stretch, 10 PVC OHS, 15 abmat sit ups, 10 back extensions, 10 pull ups red/black, 10 ring dips green/red, 3 ring dips blue/red, Samson stretch, 10 PVC OHS, 15 abmat sit ups, 10 back extensions.

5 RFT:
20 wall balls, 20#, 12ft (14#, 7-7.5 ft)
L-sit rope climb, 15ft (5 pull ups, red/black)

16:35 min

Not too bad. My lower back/top of hips has been pretty sore since the deadlifts. Did the wall balls in sets of 5 using the pull up bars on the squat rack as a target. Split the pull ups into 3 and 2. Really going to try doing an actual warm up (though I know I've said that before...).

09-19-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
None, couple deadlifts checking the weight.

For time:
21 deadlifts, 225# (125#)
400 m run
18 deadlifts
400 m run
15 deadlifts
400 m run
12 deadlifts
400 m run


Had a pretty bad side stitch during the third run, so I walked the rest of it and the first 1/3 or so of the last run. Still made decent enough time.

09-16-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
Did one round of the WOD

30 min AMRAP
50m swim (200m row)
10 push ups (snaking)
15 squats

9 rounds + 200m row + 6 push ups

My goal was to get 8 rounds in so I was super excited to get almost 10. The rows were all under 1 min, so the biggest time suck was the push ups and resting between them.

09-15-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, clean and jerks 45#

Clean and jerk

55#, 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#

Doing better at staying back though and getting my elbows around enough to avoid banging my collar bones though. May have been able to go more, but didn't want to change all the plates.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

09-14-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, snatches, HSPU

45#, 55#, 60#, 65#, 70# (fail)

On the 65# I did a lot of pressing out of the top. On the 70#, I couldn't get it much higher than my chest. I have a heck of a time getting myself under the bar- should look up some tutorials and try and improve that lift since I tend to just fling it up and press it out.

HSPU (knees on wt bench, head to 35# plate with abmat)
L-pull ups (blue/black chin over bars)


Had some wait time as I tried to get Bruce to do this with me and we needed the pull up bar at the same time. Probably scaled the HSPU a bit too much but thought it would take more out of me than that. Pull ups were mostly sets of three with the last one being a pathetic attempt. Arms are gonna be hurting tomorrow.

Did 2 WODs since I took two rest days in a row...

Friday, September 12, 2014

09-11-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, some burpees, hang cleans

For time:
30 cal row
30 burpees over barbell
30 hang power clean 135# (55#)


Took about 5 minutes on the burpees- only did them in one direction so I jumped over the bar, stepped back over to do the next burpee. Did the cleans in sets of 10, so probably could have done a heavier weight, but during the warm up it seemed heavy enough that I didn't anticipate being able to do so many.

09-10-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, squats

Front squat

65#, 70#, 75#, 80#, 85#

I tend to pause at the bottom way too long. On a couple reps I bounced a couple times before coming back up. Could have done some more weight, but just wasn't up to it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

09-09-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

WOD: (from Sat)
For as long as you can, up to 30min:
1 MU every 30 sec
10 pullups and 10 dips every minute (5 pullups blue/black, 5 dips red/green knee)


My arms were still toast from yesterday. The transition time with moving the box and using the bands kinda hurt me, but in reality, I was definitely failing at the end of the dips. I could do 3 pretty well, but the last two were rough- my muscles just did not want to do anymore.

09-08-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, stretching out arms, thrusters

Thruster 95# (45#)
Chest to bar pull ups (blue/black band regular pull ups)


Did thrusters in sets of 6, then 5 and 5. They were rough after I did the pull ups. Pull ups really killed me. Kept decreasing the number I did in each set as I was failing the last one or two in each set and only getting about as high as forehead to bar.

09-05-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, squat stretches and practice squats

Back squat

70#, 85#, 105#, 115#, 125#, 130# fail, 130# fail

First fail was getting stuck in the bottom, second was falling forward as I started to come up. Was really trying to hit or exceed my 135# PR, but just not happening. Need to do some work with my standing up- I tend to come up with my hips first, leaving my shoulders down and then trying to correct for it. Gonna try doing some lighter weights and manage my hips better.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

09-03-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
None really. Did some 85# DL and some 70# DL. Played around with the bands trying to figure out how best to do the hanging hip touches.

3 RFT:
32 Deadlift 185# (70#)
32 Hanging hip touches, alt arms (right foot in red/black band, left toe touching ground for balance)
800m farmer's carry, 15# DB (500m, 5# DB)

26:12 min

Ouch. I probably could have done a heavier deadlift as I was able to do 3 sets for all rounds, but I didn't want to overdo it and hurt my back by losing form. I scaled the hanging hip touches a bit too much as I did all of them unbroken, but I just couldn't find a method that would work for me. My core strength and arm strength just both suck and it wasn't working out. The run was bad- I really needed to shake out my arms and such, but you can't do that when running with DB. Even at the much lighter weight, it is amazing how much a farmer's carry can screw up your running form. Sucked, but powered through and reminded myself it was a hero WOD and walking was not an option.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

09-01-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, hanging pull up 3 sec hold x 3, several snatches with PVC and 45#, 10 sit ups on abmat

12 min running clock:
1 min power snatch, 115# (45#)
1 min GHD sit ups (Ab mat)
2 min power snatch, 115# (45#)
2 min GHD sit ups (Ab mat)
3 min power snatch, 115# (45#)
3 min GHD sit ups (Ab mat)

8, 26, 14, 45, 20, 63 = 176 reps (42 snatches, 134 sit ups)

Filmed my warm up snatches, I think my form looked pretty good for the light weight. Sit ups felt fine- did the 63 reps unbroken, so that was good.

09-01-14 2K Row

Warm up:
500m row

2K Row:
9:25.3 min

500m splits: 2:20.0, 2:21.7, 2:22.2, 2:21.4