Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10-29-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 17 burpees

10min AMRAP
10 GHD sit ups (Abmat)
15 push ups (10)
10 GHD sit ups (Abmat)
30 squats

3 rds + 2 sit ups = 182 total reps

Cut down the push ups because I'm slow at them. Broke the squats up into 6/set (ish). Not too bad of  a short work out.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10-28-14 CrossFit

500m row, 16 burpees, 5 clean and jerk

For time:
Run 1 mile (2000m row)
21 clean and jerk, 155# (45#)
Run 800m (1000m row)
21 clean and jerk, 155# (45#)
Run 1 mile (2000m row)


Splits: 2000m 10:15.2; 1000m 5:10.0; 2000m 10:53.2

Long work out- did all the C&J in sets of 7. Arms were tired after rowing and jerks so my rows were pretty slow.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

10-26-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 14 burpees

WOD 1:

85#, 105#, 125#, 145#, 160#

WOD 2:
10min AMRAP
10 triple unders (double unders)
15 KBS, 1.5pood (26#, 0.75pood)
20 walking lunges

4 rds + 10 DU + 9 KBS = 199 total reps

Deadlift was difficult at the two highest weights- rested on the ground a few seconds between each rep. Took a potty break and then came back for the second WOD. The first round I counted singles and misses towards my 10 DU, but after that I was actually able to start stringing them together. On round 3, I actually did all 10 DU unbroken. It is amazing when it actually clicks and I can do that without much effort. All KBS were unbroken and lunges were done 5 steps at a time due to needing to turn. Got warm out towards the end of the second WOD, but overall not bad.

Friday, October 24, 2014

10-24-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 12 burpees, a few bench press at 45#, 13 bench press at 55#

21 bench press, 135# (45#)
21 L-pull ups (bar rows)

4 rounds + 21 bench press + 18 bar rows = 207 total reps

Started the work out with 55# and quickly decided that wouldn't be the best. Dropped to 45# and did the first round with 7s, then 5s, and finally 4s. Thought it would take too much time to move the bench and bar to do pull ups in between so did the bar rows. Certainly not the same amount of work as pull ups, even with bands, but good enough for this workout.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10-23-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, some burpees, some squat cleans

10 min AMRAP
10 burpee box jumps 20" (5, 15")
10 squat cleans 155# (5, 45#)

5 rds

Went with 5 sets per round as it seemed more manageable. Pretty sore from yesterday and doing squat cleans right after front squats didn't sound like any fun at all. Counted the 25 burpees I did during the work out towards the 11 needed today for the burpee challenge.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10-22-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
Double under work, 10 burpees, 3 FS, 3 push press

For time:
100 DU (300 singles)
21 front squat, 115# (55#)
21 push press, 115# (55#)
100 DU
15 front squat
15 push press
100 DU
9 front squat
9 push press

30:42 min

Couldn't get more than one DU at a time during warm up, so I decided doing singles would be better for the WOD. 55# was a bit heavy for me- couldn't do more than 5 push press in a row and I'm definitely feeling it afterwards.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10-21-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 9 burpees

10 min AMRAP:
10 snatch each at
135# (45#), 155# (50#), 185# (55#), 205# (60#), 225# (65#), 245# max reps

43 reps (10 each 45, 50, 55, 60, then 3 at 65)

Last 3 were a definite push out at the top. Not too bad though- got about as far as I expected.

Monday, October 20, 2014

10-20-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 7 burpees

WOD 1:
Row 5000m

25:41.8 min

08-08-14  5K row
25:18.9 min, damper setting 4.5
WOD 2:
Weighted dips

Red/blue bands, no added weight

Wound up with a week off to catch up with my teaching responsibilities. Going to have to step it up and do some multiple WOD days to not get too far behind in workouts this month. Today I did the WODs scheduled for last Fri/Sat instead of Monday. My row time is down from the last time I did a 5K, but I also just came off a week of rest, so I'm not unhappy with it.  Dips were a bit rough after the burpees and rowing, but I did them.

I am also doing the 100day burpee challenge. Today was day 8 and I did both 7 and 8 since I missed yesterday. Hopefully will keep up with it through the 100 days!

10-12-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

10 rounds, each for time
250m row
Rest 2 min

31:07 min including the last 2min of rest

1- 1:05.8
2- 1:04.6
3- 1:05.6
4- 1:05.7
5- 1:04.5
6- 1:05.8
7- 1:05.4
8- 1:05.5
9- 1:04.9
10- 1:04.0

Not too bad, I like doing rowing sprints.

10-10-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

3 RFT:
400m run (500m row)
21 hang power snatch, 75# (45#)
12 chest to bar pullups (blue/black)

26:17 min

Somewhat surprised at how much difficulty I had with the hanging snatches. 45# got heavy pretty quick (granted, I did 63 of them, but still).

10-09-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row


45#, 55#, 60#, 70#, 80#, 85#, 90#, 95#, 100# failed twice

WOD 2:
7 RFT:
7 dumbbell thrusters, 45# (5#)
1 rope climb, 15ft (5 pull ups, red/blue)

7:49 min

Got behind this week because I took too many days off. Did Thursday and Friday's WODs today. Really tried for the 100# clean PR, but couldn't quite get it. Really needed another heavier dumbbell to do the thrusters, but 5# made me go faster I guess.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

10-05-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, some push press, stretching out the squat

3 RFT:
400m run (500m row)
30 squats
20 push press, 115# (45#)


Row worked a bit better today, but my overall times were a bit longer. Did all squats in sets of 10, push press varied from 6-10 reps.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10-04-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
Eh, just a few SDHP. I was in a hurry...

3 RFT:
400m run (500m row)
21 SDHP, 75# (45#)
12 burpees over bar

21:31 min

Well, I didn't want to run since it was so late on a Saturday and I just didn't feel up to it, so I subbed rowing. Wow, that was a stupid mistake! Doubling up on the rowing and SDHP really killed my arms and my time. My splits on the 500m were all over 2:30min. Just stupid.

Friday, October 3, 2014

10-03-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, some OHS and practice toe to bar sub

For time:
OHS, 115# (PVC pipe)
Toes to bar (laying down, toes to barbell, most were knees to elbows)


Worked on just getting my OHS form down. Still fighting with the shoulder/elbow positions. Thought the laying down toes to bar was a better sub than knee tucks- got more ab workout in, which is what I need to strengthen to get the actual movement down. I finished the work in about 9:30 and used the last 30 seconds or so to hang from the bar to get that in as well.

10-01-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

Bench press

35#, 45#, 55#, 65#, 70#, 75# x 1, failed second rep

Not bad considering I haven't done a bench press since high school (and couldn't even do the bar then). After I failed my second rep at 75# I quit since I didn't have a spotter. I had to roll the bar down my body until I could sit up and dump it on the floor. Didn't want to risk that for a second rep or any more weight. Definitely want to try again when Bruce is home to spot me.

09-30-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row

For time:
50 wall balls, 20# (14#, 7.5ft)
30 clean, 155# (55#)
15 muscle ups (3 ring rows, 3/2/1 ring dips)


Did the wall balls in sets of 5- took about 5 minutes to do them all. Cleans were done in sets of 10, 6, 7 and 7 in about 4 minutes. The rest of the time was the muscle up subs. For the first 5, I did 3 and 3. As I was nearing exhaustion, I switched to the next set of 5 being only 3 and 2 and then finished with the last set of 5 being 3 and 1. Felt pretty good overall.