Thursday, November 6, 2014

11-06-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 25 burpees

Front squat 225# (75#)
Bar MU (3 bar rows + 3 bar presses jumping off a 45# plate = 1 bar MU)


Did the squats in sets of 3 or less off the rack. Maybe could have gone heavier, but my legs are sore from this entire week of work.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11-05-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
24 burpees

For time:
400m run
50 pull ups (black/green)
400m run
50 push ups (snaking)
400m run
50 sit ups (abmat)
400m run
50 squats


I really tried to talk myself out of this workout this morning. I slept a bit late, didn't feel the greatest and was sitting in my pajamas looking at the schedule trying to find a different day to do it. Which, I wouldn't have done. I don't have the best track record at making up workouts I skip. So, I decided I had an hour to do it and it might take me near that but I'd give it a go anyways. The pull ups and push ups sucked, but sit ups and squats went pretty quick. The running was good as well. Overall, I'm thrilled I made myself do it and can mark it off the calendar!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11-04-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 23 burpees

Toes to bar (laying down toes to barbell)
Snatch 115# (50#)


Did snatches in sets of 7's then 5's. Did the toes to bars just as much as I could at a time. Tried to put my feet back out straight each time, so I had to curl up and then touch toes to barbell (ish). Still think this is a better sub than knee tucks hanging from the bar- definitely felt it in my arms and abs.

Monday, November 3, 2014

11-03-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 22 burpees

5 thrusters
0:00-5:00  75# (35#)
5:00-10:00  95# (40#)
10:00-15:00  115# (45#)
Continue adding 20# every 5 min (add 5#)

16:00min, last min was 50#

I hate thrusters. Probably could have done more, but at 80 thrusters I was done.

10-31-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
500m row, 18 + 19 burpees

Push jerk

55#, 60#, 65#, 75#, 80#

Thought I may have to go to a split jerk at the higher weights, but was able to do a push jerk for all of them.