Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12-03-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
30 burpees
A few squat cleans and ring dips

AMRAP in 20min
10 squat cleans 95# (5 at 50#)
10 ring dips (5 with red/blue bands on knees)

8 rds + 5 squat cleans + 1 ring dip

After WOD- 12 burpees

Took it really slow since I've been out of the swing of things for awhile. Overall, not bad. But the last 12 burpees were rough- my shoulders were just done.

Monday, December 1, 2014

12-01-14 CrossFit

Warm up:
5 burpees

5 RFT:
500m row
10 burpees


Despite not doing anything over the last month except my daily burpees for the 100 day challenge, I made it through. Almost killed me, but got my 50 burpees in for the day as well as some cardio work. Following the CrossFit schedule may be tough due to low temps making WODs in the garage difficult. Today got a bit warm inside though, so I may just try the garage tomorrow and see how I fare. It isn't supposed to be as cold tomorrow either.